Search Results - biological history

Researchers Uncover Evidence of What May Be Earth’s First Mass Animal Extinction

Aaron Foster/Getty Images Ever since the Cambrian blast 538.8 million years earlier-- a time when most of the animal phyla we're familiar with today were established-- 5 significant mass extinction events have whittled down the biodiversity of all creatures, great and tiny. Researchers from the United States have uncovered proof of one happening earlier, around 550...

The Great Oxidation Event: A 200-Million-Year Pathway to Oxygenation

Studies of marine shales and isotopic data from the Great Oxidation Event period reveal dynamic oxygen fluctuations in Earth’s early atmosphere and oceans, highlighting the prolonged and complex nature of this critical evolutionary stage. Recent findings indicate that Earth's "Great Oxidation Event" unfolded over a span of 200 million years. Fresh research underscores the intricate nature...

AI Could be Behind our Failure to Communicate with Aliens

Credit: Pixabay In recent years, the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has captivated many scientists. Some are now exploring the concept of artificial superintelligence (ASI), envisioning AI that not only exceeds human intelligence but also transcends human learning limitations. But what if reaching this milestone isn't just an extraordinary feat? What if it also marks...

Genes for Depression Can Shape Life Circumstances

Credit: Pixabay The fundamental symptoms of depression, including alterations in energy, activity, cognition, and mood, have been documented for over 10,000 years, whereas the term "depression" itself has been in use for approximately 350 years. Despite its extensive history, there's no consensus among experts regarding the definition or causes of depression. However, many agree that depression...

Scientists Practice Alien Communication by Talking to Whales

Scientists are practicing talking to aliens by trying to communicate with whalesDepositphotos If we rely on movies, encounters with aliens often spell trouble for humanity. In an effort to avoid a potentially colossal cosmic blunder, scientists are honing their skills by attempting to communicate with whales in their language. Based on preliminary outcomes, it might...

Did life Exist on Mars or other Planets? AI could Reveal Soon

Credit: Pixaobay Researchers have unearthed a straightforward and dependable method for detecting indications of past or present life on planets, a breakthrough often referred to as the ultimate goal of astrobiology. In the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a team of seven researchers has reported a groundbreaking development. Their artificial intelligence-based approach has shown...

DNA Can Adopt Intricate Configurations, Enabling it to Perform Novel Functions

illustration of the structure of DNA. Credit: Unsplash. A recent study led by researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, a division of the National Institutes of Health, has found that DNA has the ability to imitate protein functions by adopting intricate and three-dimensional structures. A recent study, published in...

Did Male and Female Dinosaurs Differ? A New Analytical Strategy is Helping Address the Inquiry

How can researchers tell if male and female dinosaurs, like the stegosaur, were different? Credit: Susannah Maidment et al. & Natural History Museum, London, CC BY In many animal varieties, males and also women vary. This is true for individuals and various other mammals. Along with numerous species of birds, fish, and reptiles. However, what concerning dinosaurs?...

How Plants Grew To Colonize Land Over 500 Million Years Ago

Credit: Scitech Daily Scientists analyzing one of the largest genomic datasets of plants. Have actually found how the first plants on Earth evolved the mechanisms used to control water and 'breathe' on land hundreds of millions of years ago.The research study by the University of Bristol and University of Essex. Published in New Phytologist, has...

Next-Generation Computer Chips Reduce Our Carbon Footprint

A Q&A with two scientists aiming to overcome limitations in computing power and energy efficiency deliberately by designing brand-new microchips (CMOS silicon chips). A brief history of microelectronics and CMOS silicone chips Our laptop computers and smartphones are portable yet powerful due to silicon microelectronics, also known as integrated circuits or chips, the tiny minds behind...