Smart Cities

Can Smart City Technology Alleviate Urban Water Shortages?

Credit: Smart City.Urban areas worldwide confront numerous challenges, from inadequate healthcare and food deserts to climate change-induced water scarcity. Climate change is undeniably wreaking havoc across the globe, and urban centers are no exception. It's not just the American West grappling with potential power and water shortages; urban populations face risks if these global climate patterns...

Top 10: Leading Smart Cities in Sustainability

Credit: Brand MindsExplore the top 10 smart cities of 2023 that are revolutionizing urban living with advanced technology, seamless IoT integration, and widespread 5G connectivity. The United Nations predicts that 70% of the global population will reside in smart cities by 2050. While the definition of a smart city is not uniform, there are...

Smart City Initiatives in Bahrain: Benefits, Future Trends, and Concerns

smart city initiatives being put into place, and many of them are starting to show results. Credit: Lucas Meneses/ pexels.comGlobally, there are more and more smart city initiatives being put into place, and many of them are starting to show results. For example, traffic jams have been reduced by 15 percent in Hangzhou, China,...