Search Results - dark matter

Using Gravitational Waves to Hunt for Dark Matter

Credit: Unsplash. A global team of cosmologists has discovered through computer simulations that observing gravitational waves from merging black holes can reveal the real nature of dark matter. Dr. Alex Jenkins of University College London will co-author their discovery today at the 2023 National Astronomy Meeting. The team studied the production of gravitational wave signals in...

Building a “Quantum Heat Pump” To Search For Elusive Dark Matter

Scientists have developed a heat pump that uses light particles on a quantum range. Scientists can currently measure radio frequency signals closer to the quantum limit. Professionals say this technique works in searching for dark matter, a component of the universe whose existence is discernible primarily by its gravitational attraction. 30.1 percent of the...

Scientist Says That Dark Matter May Be Information Itself

Info Dump There is no shortage of debate regarding the nature of the dark matter, a mysterious substance that many physicists believe makes up a large proportion of the total mass of the universe, despite never having observed it directly. Currently, a physicist from the UK called Melvin Vopson is raising a startling possibility: that dark...

A Particle New To Physics Could Solve the Dark Matter Mystery

Anomalies in nuclear physics experiments may show signs of a new force. A team of scientists in Hungary currently published a paper that hints at the presence of a previously unknown subatomic particle. The group first reported finding traces of the particle in 2016, and they now report more traces in a different experiment. If the...

For the first time, dark matter from twelve billion years ago has been detected.

An artist's illustration of radiation residue from the Big Bang distorted by dark matter 12 billion years ago. For the first time, dark matter from twelve billion years ago has been detected. A group of scientists from Nagoya College in Japan has collaborated to investigate the dark matter surrounding galaxies as they appeared twelve billion years...

Virtually Pure Argon May Whisper Secrets About Universe’s Dark Matter

Argon that is specially sourced could potentially uncover mysteries about the universe's dark matter in the near future. Credit: nautil. University of Houston Researchers Create Facility for Mining Exceptionally Pure Argon from Colorado Site A deposit of practically pure argon that has been left untouched since Earth's formation will help physicists know more about the universe. The...

“Boson Clouds” Could Explain Dark Matter

Credit:  Brian Koberlein The nature of dark matter stills astonishes astronomers. As the search for dark matter particles keeps on turning up nothing, it is tempting to throw away the dark matter model altogether, but indirect evidence for the stuff remains to be strong. So what is it? One team has an idea, and they...

China’s Dark Matter Particle Explorer Releases New Information to Help Search for Dark Matter

Scientists launched the first set of gamma photon data acquired by the Dark Matter Particle Explorer. Credit: DAMPE Collaboration For the very first time, in May of 2021, China's Dark Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE) Collaboration directly observed a spectral softening of helium nuclei of around 34TeV. Now, we have even more excellent news from the satellite-based...

What Exactly is the (dark) Matter with Euclid?

Artist impression of the Euclid mission in space. The spacecraft is white and gold and consists of three main elements: a flat sunshield, a large cylinder where the light from space will enter, and a 'boxy' bottom containing the instruments. The spacecraft is shown half in the shadow, because the sunshield will always be...

Chance Discovery: Astronomers Uncover Dark, Starless Galaxy

In the realm of galaxies, our minds often conjure images of luminous spiral formations teeming with stars and cosmic gases. However, a distinct category known as low-surface-brightness galaxies challenges this conventional perception. These galaxies, characterized by sparse stars and unconventional appearances, typically harbor more dark matter and predominantly consist of gas, with few discernible...