Search Results - genetic

Diet and Exercise Can Outsmart Genetic Diabetes Risk

Credit: Depositphotos Although genetics play a significant role in the development of type 2 diabetes, genes don't determine everything in life. Lifestyle Changes Can Defy Genetic Predisposition A new study suggests, for the first time, that even those who are genetically predisposed to diabetes can prevent the disease with the right lifestyle choices. A three-year intervention in Finland...

Thornless Roses from Genetic Modifications Lead to Better Crops

One of the almost-thornless roses (left) alongside an unmodified plantMohammed Bendahmane/INRAE, CNRS, Université de Lyon, France Everyone adores roses, but they’d be even more enjoyable without their sharp thorns. Scientists have now developed a way to grow thornless roses, which could simplify crop harvesting. It’s worth noting that some rose varieties are naturally thornless. However, most plants don’t...

Some Individuals Have Remained Unaffected by COVID-19, Possibly Due to a Little-Known Genetic Factor

Credit: MICROSTOCKHUB/E+/GETTY IMAGES PLUS People who have managed to avoid COVID-19 for over four years may owe their immunity to a newly discovered immune response, according to a recent study. Researchers deliberately exposed volunteers to the virus and found that those with the heightened activity of a little-known immune gene called HLA-DQA2 did not sustain...

Discovery: Uncommon Genetic Mutation Provides Insights into Type 1 Diabetes Prevention

UK researchers at the University of Exeter have identified an unprecedented genetic mutation present in two siblings, unseen in any other individuals. This finding opens avenues for novel treatment strategies in the realm of type 1 diabetes. The mutation occurs within the gene responsible for encoding programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) protein. A recent study elucidates...

Meat Consumption Linked to Genetic Bowel Cancer Risk

Genetic variants have been linked to an increased risk of colorectal cancer in people who eat a lot of red and processed meat. Credit: Pixaobay Researchers, aware of the association between consuming red and processed meat and colorectal cancer rates but lacking comprehension of its biological mechanisms, have recently pinpointed two genetic indicators that might...

Genetics Not the Answer to Magpie Intelligence

Credit: Pixaobay If you've had the opportunity to interact with Australia's renowned magpies, you're aware of their remarkable intelligence. With their distinctive black and white feathers, melodious calls, and intricate social interactions, magpies exhibit a level of avian cleverness that captivates both bird enthusiasts and researchers. However, what factors contribute to the success of these intelligent...

Six Indicators of Neanderthal DNA, as Identified by Genetic Experts

Humans interbred with Neanderthals and spread DNA across the world. Credit: Depositphotos Neanderthal DNA offered evolutionary advantages during environmental adaptation, yet it also introduced drawbacks, with nicotine addiction being one of the adverse effects associated with certain genes Genetic experts assert that six key indicators can reveal the presence of Neanderthal DNA.Approximately two percent of our...

Discovery of the World’s First Dog-Fox Hybrid: A Genetic Anomaly

Credit: The pet zealot. In 2021, an animal resembling a dog was brought to an animal rehabilitation center in southern Brazil after being hit by a car. However, this creature exhibited peculiar behavior that raised questions about its identity, it turns out it was a Dog-fox hybrid. Dog-fox hybrid Behavior and Genetic Investigation The animal had a...

Genetic Alteration of Individual Animal Cells

Mother Jones. Credit: Scientists at ETH Zurich have devised a technique for genetically modifying individual cells separately within animals. This innovation streamlines the research process, eliminating the need for numerous animal experiments. By applying this novel approach, the scientists have pinpointed genes linked to a severe, rare genetic disorder. Typically, investigating the genetic origins of...

Genetically Edited Pig Kidneys Function Well After Being Transplanted into Humans

n a new study, scientists have successfully transplanted genetically-modified pig kidneys into a human patient and shown that kidney function is maintained for at least a week. Credit: Pixaobay Researchers have proven that human recipients of genetically modified pig kidneys experience viable function for at least seven days post-transplantation, showing no indications of rejection. This...