Search Results - telescope

Compact Smart Telescope Effortlessly Captures the Night Sky

Credit: DwarfLab The arrival of smart digital telescopes has revolutionized stargazing, allowing enthusiasts to capture and share celestial wonders with ease. Additionally, weighing less than 3 lbs, the Dwarf III stands out as one of the most portable options. Its lightweight, book-like design and compact dimensions (222 x 142 x 65 mm) make it easy...

Hubble Space Telescope Detects Water Vapor in Atmosphere of Small Exoplanet

Credit: Unsplash. Astronomers utilizing the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope have observed GJ 9827d, the smallest exoplanet known to have water vapor in its atmosphere. With a diameter approximately twice that of Earth, this distant planet could provide insights into the prevalence of water-rich atmospheres around other stars in our galaxy. Discovery and Characteristics GJ 9827d, discovered by...

James Webb Telescope Discovers Water Vapor, Sulfur Dioxide, and Sand Clouds on Nearby Exoplanet

Credit: BGR A team of European astronomers, including researchers from KU Leuven's Institute of Astronomy, utilized the James Webb Space Telescope for recent observations on the atmosphere of the nearby exoplanet WASP-107b. Peering deep into its cloudy atmosphere, they identified water vapor, sulfur dioxide, and even silicate sand clouds. These elements exist within a dynamic...

New Telescope Instruments Will Investigate the Universe For Water

Credit: Pexels Since water plays a crucial role in supporting life forms based on carbon, scientists actively search for it when exploring the potential for extraterrestrial life. This includes investigating other planets through probes and using space-based telescopes to observe the cosmos. Detecting water from Earth-based instruments is considerably challenging. However, recently developed water-detecting receivers,...

Webb Space Telescope Shows Early Universe Crackled With Bursts of Star Formation

The James Webb Space Telescope’s JADES program is providing unprecedented insights into the early universe, discovering hundreds of ancient galaxies, and unveiling complex patterns of star formation. Credit: SCITECHDAILY. Equipped with a sizable mirror and the ability to detect infrared radiation, NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is uniquely designed for the investigation of galaxies...

Stunning James Webb Space Telescope Image Transforms a Distant Galaxy Into a Sparkling Christmas Ornament

JWST's new image of NGC 7469. (ESA/Webb, NASA & CSA, L. Armus, A. S. Evans) The perfect galaxy photo The James Webb Space Telescope simply gave a spiral galaxy 230 million light-years away a recent sparkling glamor shot excellent sufficient for the Christmas tree. While the galaxy has the instead un-attractive name of NGC 7469, it has been...

Hubble Space Telescope Reveals Webb a Thing or Two with Magnificent Recent Image

This image, taken with the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 on board the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, shows the globular cluster Terzan 1. Credit: NASA & ESA, Acknowledgement: Judy Schmidt New picture of the Terzan 1 cluster Whilst the James Webb Space Telescope is already showing fresh insights into the inmost recesses of the visible universe,...

Renowned Arecibo Telescope Won’t Be Rebuilt– And Astronomers Are Heartbroken

The Arecibo Observatory’s 305-metre-wide telescope dish partially collapsed in late 2020, after some supporting cables had snapped. Credit: Ricardo Arduengo/AFP via Getty After one world-famous radio telescope at Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico collapsed 2 years back, many scientists hoped that the United States National Science Foundation (NSF), which runs the facility, would eventually build...

James Webb Telescope Has Already Begun Changing Models And Baffling Scientists

“Cosmic Cliffs” in the Carina Nebula Astronomers' beliefs are The famed James Webb Space Telescope, released 8 months back and orbiting the sun a million miles from Earth, has begun bringing up several questions for astronomers as its striking images flood in. Unsurprisingly, the telescope has offered some intriguing and exciting observations of the very distant universe....

James Webb Space Telescope Picture Shows Visible Damages From Micrometeoroid Strike

On the right, the state of the James Webb Space Telescope on June 21, 2022, after an unexpectedly large micrometeoroid strike and subsequent responses, compared to the expected state on the left. Credit: NASA/STScI. A tiny space rock has shown to have a significant impact on NASA's recently operational deep-space telescope. One micrometeoroid hit the James Webb...