A Dive Into The Standard Model

A Dive Into The Standard Model

Particles of the Standard Model of particle physics. Credit: Daniel Dominguez/CERN

The theories and findings of countless physicists since the 1930s led to an excellent insight into the basic structure of matter. They found that there are a few basic building blocks known as fundamental particles that compose everything in the universe, ruled by four fundamental forces. Our best understanding of just how these particles and 3 of the forces relate to each other is embedded in the Standard Model of particle physics.

In the beginning of the 1970s, the concept successfully elucidated almost all experimental results and accurately predicted a wide range of occurrences. The Standard Model has evolved into a well-tested physics theory over time and through numerous tests.

Matter particles

All stuff among us is made up of fundamental fragments, which are the building elements of matter. These particles are classified into two types: quarks and leptons. Each group consists of six particles linked in pairs, or “generations.” The first generation consists of the lightest and strongest particles, whereas the subsequent generations consist of more heavy and less stable particles.

Every stable matter in our universe is made up of first generation particles; bigger particles decay quickly to more stable particles. The six different quarks are divided into three separate pairs by three generations: the “up quark” and the “down quark” for the first generation, the “charm quark” and “strange quark” for the second, and the “top quark” and “bottom (or beauty) quark” for the third generation.They also come in three distinct “colors” that must be combined in order to create colorless objects.

The leptons are arranged similarly to quarks: the “electron” and “electron neutrino” for the first generation, the “muon” and “muon neutrino” for the second generation, and the “tau” and “tau neutrino” for the third generation. The electron, muon, and tau all have an electric charge and a large mass, whereas neutrinos are neutral in electricity with a very small weight.


The universe is regulated by 4 essential forces: the powerful force, the weaker force, the force of electromagnetic radiation, and the force of gravitational. They have different levels of action and intensity.

Gravity, although being the weakest force, has an endless length. Similarly, the electromagnetic force has an unlimited range, but it is many orders of magnitude more intense than gravitation. The both powerful and weak forces possess a relatively small range and dominant only at the subatomic particle stage.

Regardless of the title, the smallest energy is significantly more powerful than gravity, yet it is unquestionably the weakest of the three. The strong force, as the name implies, is the most powerful of the four fundamental reactions.

Three primary forces are derived through the interchange of force-carrier particles, which are members of a larger group known as “bosons.” Matter particles exchange bosons with one another to convey different amounts of energy. Each fundamental force has a corresponding boson. The “gluon” is accountable for the strong force, the “photon” for the electromagnetic force, and the “W and Z bosons” for the weak force.

Forces and carrier particles

Despite the fact that it has yet to be discovered, the “graviton” must be the analogous force-carrying particle of gravity. The Standard Model encompasses the weak, strong, and electromagnetic forces, as well as all of its associated carrier particles. It also clearly describes how these forces act on all matter particles.

Nonetheless, gravity, the most known factor in our daily lives, is not included in the Standard Model since fitting gravity neatly right into this framework has proven to be a difficult issue. The quantum theory employed to define the micro world and the general theory of relativity used for defining the macro universe are difficult to reconcile.

In the context of the Standard Model, no one has made the two mathematically consistent. Fortunately for particle physics, when it comes to the miniscule size of particles, gravity’s effect is so faint as to be minimal. Only when mass is in bulk, as in the capacity of the human body or planets, does gravity’s effect take precedence. So, despite its grudging removal of one of the fundamental forces, the Standard Model nonetheless works well.

However, so far, so good …

Physicists ought not to give up their work right away. Despite being the most thorough account of the subatomic world now accessible, the Standard Model fails to clarify all.

Except for gravitational pull, the theory only addresses three of the four basic forces. Nevertheless, it does not address fundamental questions such as “What is dark matter?” or “What took place to opposites after the big thump?” or “Why do we have three generations of quarks and leptons with such wildly different mass scales?” Lastly, there is the Higgs boson, which is a necessary component of the Standard Model.

Additional discoveries

The Higgs boson is followed by this particle. Additional study is needed to determine whether this is the Higgs boson predicted by the Standard Model. The Higgs boson, as postulated in the Standard Model, is the most visible representation of the Brout-Englert-Higgs system. Other hypotheses that extend beyond the Standard model anticipate other forms of Higgs bosons.

François Englert and Peter Higgs were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics on October 8, 2013, “for the theoretical identification of a mechanism that advances our comprehension of the origin of mass in subatomic objects.” The ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider recently validated this by discovering the expected basic particle.”

Despite the fact that the Standard Model properly describes the occurrences within its area, it is still imperfect. Most likely, it is only a small portion of a greater picture that contains new physics buried deep inside the subatomic realm or deep within the cosmos as a whole. New information from LHC experiments will help us find more of these missing bits.

Read the original article on CERN.

Want to read more about this topic? Read this post about “Introduction to Particle Physics.”

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