A Seismologist Describes the Science of the Terrible Türkiye-Syria Quake

A Seismologist Describes the Science of the Terrible Türkiye-Syria Quake

Rescuers search the rubble in the village of Besnaya in Syria's rebel-held northwestern Idlib province, on the border with Türkiye, 6 February 2022.
Rescuers search the rubble in the village of Besnaya in Syria’s rebel-held northwestern Idlib province, on the border with Türkiye, 6 February 2022. (Omar Haj Kadour/AFP via Getty Images)

A huge quake has happened in the southeast of Türkiye, close to the border with Syria.

Data from seismometers that gauge the trembling of the ground triggered by seismic waves propose this occurrence was a magnitude 7.8 out of 10 on the moment magnitude scale.

Seismic waves were captured by sensors worldwide (you can view them undulate through Europe) including areas as far away as the UK.

This was a really major one.

The shaking caused by energy journeying outwards from the source or epicenter has already had horrible aftermaths for nearby individuals.

Many buildings have fallen down, at least 2,000 individuals are thought to have died throughout both nations, and there are reports of harm to gas pipelines leading to fires.

Why this happened here

This location of Türkiye is susceptible to quakes as it lies at the junction of 3 of the tectonic plates that compose the Planet’s crust: the Anatolian, Arabian, and African plates. Arabia is moving northwards into Europe, triggering the Anatolian plate (where Türkiye is located) to be pushed out westwards.

The motion of the tectonic plates accumulates pressure on fault areas at their perimeters. The unexpected launch of this pressure causes quakes and ground shaking.

This latest earthquake is probably to have occurred on one of the big faults that marks the limits between the Anatolian and Arabian plates: either the East Anatolian fault or the Dead Sea Transform fault.

Arabia is bumping into Eurasia and pushing Anatolia westwards … or to non-Earth scientists, Syria is bumping into Europe and squeezing out Türkiye. (Mikenorton/NASA/Wiki/CC BY-SA)

These are both “strike-slip faults” which signifies they accommodate some movement of plates moving past each other.

‘Dramatically greater’ than previous quakes

While this location has several earthquakes every year triggered by the continuous motion of the tectonic plates, today’s quake is huge and devastating as much energy was discharged.

The USA Geological Survey (USGS) mentions that just three quakes bigger than magnitude 6 have occurred within 250 kilometers (155 miles) of this area since 1970.

At magnitude 7.8, the February 6 event is considerably larger than the ones the location has experienced before, launching more than twice as much energy as the largest formerly recorded quake in the area (magnitude 7.4).

Modern seismologists utilize the moment magnitude scale, which represents the quantity of energy launched by a quake (the Richter scale is obsolete, though it is at times wrongly quotationed in the news).

This scale is not linear: each step up represents 32 times more energy released. That signifies a magnitude 7.8 actually releases approximately 6,000 times further energy than the more moderate magnitude 5 quakes that might normally occur in the location.

The origin of quakes

We are inclined to think of earthquake energy as originating from a single area, or epicenter, but they are in fact triggered by motion along a location of a fault. The larger the quake, the bigger the fault location that will have moved.

For something as big as this magnitude 7.8 there is probably to have been motion over a location approximately 190 kilometers long and 25 kilometers wide. This signifies that the trembling will be felt over a very large location.

Severe to intense shaking (sufficient to trigger significant property damage) is estimated to have been felt by 610,000 individuals in the neighboring location approximately 80 kilometers away northeastwards along the tectonic plate boundary.

Light trembling was felt as far away as the Turkish capital of Istanbul (around 815 kilometers away), in Baghdad in Iraq (800 kilometers) and also in Cairo in Egypt (950 kilometers).

What about aftershocks?

After big quakes, there will be many smaller quakes called aftershocks as the crust readjusts to the modifications in stress. These can keep on for days to years after the first event.

In the initial 12 hours after the initial shake in southeast Türkiye, there were already three other quakes over magnitude 6.0. The first was a 6.7, which occurred only 11 minutes after the first impact, and there have been many smaller magnitude aftershocks.

Later in the morning, other very big magnitude 7.5 occurred more to the north on a different but adjacent fault system: the Sürgü Fault.

Practically this one was strong enough to count as a distinct quake in its own right, though it is probably to have been triggered by the initial quake, and it will generate its own series of aftershocks.

While aftershocks are generally substantially smaller than the principal shock, they might have equally devastating consequences, further damaging infrastructure that was harmed by the initial quake and hampering rescue efforts.

As the aftermath of this big earthquake remains to be felt by the individuals residing in this region, we can just hope that international support gets to Türkiye and Syria as soon as possible to assist in continuous rescue efforts, amid the ongoing aftershocks.

Read the original article on SCIENCE ALERT.

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