Author - Salomão André

For the First Time Ever, Scientists Drill Into the Earth’s Rocky Mantle

Credit: Istock.As per a recent report from the Washington Post, scientists have successfully reached Earth's mantle by drilling approximately one mile beneath the ocean floor. This significant accomplishment was made possible by the JOIDES Resolution, an ocean drilling vessel.It is important to clarify that the scientists did not precisely drill into the mantle, and...

How a Scientist Weighed Black Holes Invisible to The Naked Eye

Black hole. Credit: Unsplash.Joseph Simon, a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences at the University of Colorado, Boulder, employed computer simulations to make predictions about the masses of the largest supermassive black holes existing in the universe.In a press statement, Simon highlighted the substantial mass of the black hole situated...

Solar Dish Produces Hydrogen and Oxygen and Heat

The pivotal component in EPFL's innovative solar hydrogen reactor is the parabolic dish.EPFL engineers have successfully constructed and examined a solar reactor capable of harnessing sunlight and water to produce hydrogen gas. This system not only exhibits exceptional efficiency in hydrogen generation but also effectively utilizes the byproducts of oxygen and heat.Hydrogen has a...

Company Presents a Modular and Scalable Electric Car

LEVC's SOA platform incorporates advanced cloud-ready electronic systems designed for autonomous applications, digital cockpits, and ensuring future compatibility.LEVC, in collaboration with Geely, has expanded its offerings beyond electric taxis by introducing a versatile electric Car/Vehicle platform. For several years, LEVC has been manufacturing and selling electric versions of the renowned black cabs in London...

A Large Number of Animal Skulls Were Found in Neanderthal Cave

Steppe bison cranium from Level 3. Credit: Nature Human Behaviour (2023). DOI: 10.1038/s41562-022-01503-7A team of researchers has made an interesting discovery in a Neanderthal cave in southwestern France. They have found several large animal skulls, including those of a bear, a lion, and a hyena, all of which are much larger than the animals typically hunted...

The Coming Solar Eclipse Will Be the Last Visible in United State Until 2045

Elipse solar. Credit: EUMETSAT."Throughout my life, I have constantly noticed articles and news about total solar eclipses, just to be let down by the fact that the eclipse was invisible in the United States. Fortunately, the following year, this will alter." said Harley Manson.On April 8th, 2024, a total solar eclipse from the United...

A Current Gene Therapy Method Improves Night Vision in Adults with Congenital Blindness, Scientists Suggest

Macro Woman Eye. Credit: Dantesattic/iStock University of Pennsylvania researchers' ground-breaking form to develop night vision in grown-ups with congenital blindness will bring one spurt to ophthalmology: a gene therapy.As UPenn stated, adults with a genetic way of childhood-onset blindness experienced striking recoveries of night vision within days of receiving experimental gene treatment, according to scientists...

Scientists Produce Fusion at 100 Million Kelvin for 20 Seconds

Tokamak geometry and the parameter evolution of a FIRE mode. a, The plasma configuration of a FIRE mode in KSTAR. Credit: Nature (2022). DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-05008-1A team of researchers connected with several institutions in South Korea, working with two coworkers from Princeton University and one from Columbia University, has accomplished a new milestone in the development of...

Key Advance In Physics Research Might Help Enable Super-Efficient Electrical Energy

Superexchange magnetic interactions in transition-metal oxides. Credit: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2022). DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2207449119Today, an international group of scientists led by Séamus Davis, Professor of Physics at the University of Oxford and University Cork, has announced outcomes that reveal the atomic mechanism behind high-temperature superconductors. The searchings for are released in PNAS.Superconductors are...

SU(N) Matter Is About Three Billion Times Colder Than Deep Space

An artist’s conception of the complex magnetic correlations physicists have observed with a groundbreaking quantum simulator at Kyoto University that uses ytterbium atoms about 3 billion times colder than deep space. Different colors represent the six possible spin states of each atom. The simulator uses up to 300,000 atoms, allowing physicists to directly observe...