Author - Jorge Paka

Robotic Faces Covered with Living Human Skin

Smile, new robotics technology is on its way!©2024 Takeuchi et al. CC-BY-NDIn a groundbreaking and slightly unsettling development, scientists have created a technique to attach living human skin to robotic faces. Beyond its sci-fi implications, this technology has practical potential.Two years ago, Professor Shoji Takeuchi and his team at the University of Tokyo achieved...

Honeybees Can Detect Lung Cancer by Scent

Honeybees’ olfactory systems are so sensitive that scientists may one day be able to use the insects to detect the odors of cancer. Credit: PixabayHoneybees can identify the faint scents of lung cancer in laboratory settings, including the slight aroma detectable in a patient's breath.Leveraging the bees' remarkable sense of smell, scientists connected living...

Study: High-Fat Diet May Increase Anxiety

Credit: PixabaySelect comfort foods wisely. While stress-eating might provide temporary relief, a recent study indicates that some high-fat foods can exacerbate anxiety over time.The study found that a high-fat diet, particularly one rich in saturated fats from animal sources, disrupted the gut microbiome of lab rats and altered their behavior. These rats exhibited increased...

AI Accurately Decodes Speech from Brain Activity

Credit: PixabayAn artificial intelligence can interpret words and sentences from brain activity with impressive, albeit constrained, accuracy.Based on brief recordings of brain activity, the AI can predict what a person has heard, accurately listing the correct answer within its top 10 choices up to 73% of the time, according to a preliminary study...

Nighttime Light Exposure Can raise your Type 2 Diabetes Risk by up to 67%

New findings about the danger of late-night screen time. Credit: DepositphotosIn a large study involving 85,000 participants, Flinders University researchers discovered that exposure to light at night increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, regardless of daytime activities."Exposure to light at night can disrupt circadian rhythms, altering insulin secretion and glucose metabolism,"...

Something Strange is Occurring in Earth’s Inner Core

Scientists have proposed that Earth’s moon-sized inner core revolves independently of the mantle and crust, and that it is now backpedaling relative to those other layers.JOHAN63/ISTOCK/GETTY IMAGES PLUSA new study seems to support the contentious idea that the Earth's inner core's rotation has decelerated. Decades of earthquake data indicate that since around 2010, the...

GR-1 Humanoid Uses Multi-Camera Vision

"With our pure vision solution, GR-1 is poised to play a pivotal role in diverse applications such as medical rehabilitation, family services, reception and guidance, security inspection, emergency rescue, and industrial manufacturing," said Fourier's Roger CaiFourier IntelligenceFourier Intelligence's engineers opted for a vision-only approach with their sleek GR-1 general-purpose humanoid, foregoing a full suite...

3D Machine Vision Uses Single Pixel for High Speed and Cost Efficiency

3D tracking and machine vision, as represented by this rendered image, underpins the ability of autonomous vehicles and other robots to understand and respond to the world around them. New tech promises a huge leap in speed, with massive savings in cost, data storage and processing timeDepositphotosSelf-driving cars rely on advanced sensors and significant...

Study Shows Cashless Payments Are Altering Our Spending Habits

Credit: DepositphotosFor more than 3,000 years, cash, evolving from shells to coins and notes, has been a reliable medium. However, developed nations are increasingly transitioning to electronic payments.According to a recent study, electronic payments are encouraging increased spending compared to traditional cash transactions. Researchers from the University of Adelaide and the University of Melbourne...

Garlic May Help Reduce Blood Sugar and Cholesterol

Credit: PixabayIncorporating garlic into your diet—whether fresh, sprinkled, or infused in oil—can help manage blood sugar and cholesterol levels.A meta-analysis of 22 studies with 29 randomized, controlled trials by researchers from Southeast University and Xizang Minzu University in China has confirmed that garlic consumption is associated with reduced glucose and certain fat molecules.Glucose...