Author - Jorge Paka

Webb Space Telescope Shows Early Universe Crackled With Bursts of Star Formation

The James Webb Space Telescope’s JADES program is providing unprecedented insights into the early universe, discovering hundreds of ancient galaxies, and unveiling complex patterns of star formation. Credit: SCITECHDAILY.Equipped with a sizable mirror and the ability to detect infrared radiation, NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is uniquely designed for the investigation of galaxies...

Transparent Solar Panels Windows of the Future

This innovation allows for the absorption of sunlight without compromising the view through these transparent surfaces.Credit: Masood Aslami/ pexels.comA group of scientists from Michigan State University has created a technology capable of transforming see-through surfaces, such as windows in buildings or cell phone screens, into surfaces that can collect solar energy. This innovation allows for...

Holden Cars: Why Did Australians Become Disillusioned by Them?

An Holden vehicle. Credit: Igor Lushnickiy(pexels)The Jingle used to relate us to people who loved “kangaroos, football, meat pies, and Holden Cars.”Nowadays, Japanese utes and tiny Toyotas, Hyundais, and Mazda are our favorites.The news on Monday from General Motors, Holden’s US parents, stating that the brand will be “discontinued” and the regional design...

Journal of Philosophical Logic

The Journal of Philosophical Logic offers a platform for work at the nexus of philosophy and logic. Credit: iStock/ pexelsWith contributions spanning from conceptual to technical, the Journal of Philosophical Logic offers a platform for work at the nexus of philosophy and logic, both new and old.As a result, the Journal...

Using a Debit Card for Holiday Purchases? Here’s Why a Consumer Advocate Says You Shouldn’t

You can only spend what you have when using a debit card to make a purchase, just like when using cash.What is a debit card?Though it's likely that you already know what a debit card is, just in case: Debit cards are a type of payment instrument provided by banks and other depository institutions...

The Risks Of Commercial Brain-Computer Interfaces

Electroencephalography (EEG), a technique for noninvasively measuring the electrical activity of the brain. Credit: iStoockResearchers raise concerns about the possible social, moral, and legal repercussions of technology's close relationship with the human brain.However, it may sound like a cyborg future where people can communicate with and control other people's external technological gadgets by using...

Wharton Professor Explains What All the Buzz Around Bitcoin is About

Credit: Alesia Kozik/pexels.comThe Wharton School's Mauro Guillén, a professor of international management, responds to inquiries about the increased interest.Elon Musk energized the possibilities for Bitcoin stock earlier this month when he promised that Tesla, Inc. will soon accept payment for its electric vehicles in the much-discussed but little-known currency.Mauro Guillén, previously the head of...