Author - Kialanda Luvumbu

How Smoke Produced From Large Wildfires Can Affect Local Weather And Make Fires Worse

Credit: Pixabay/ Public DomainThe research team's study highlights the intricate feedback loop between wildfires and the atmosphere, suggesting that smoke produced by large wildfires may lead to more intense fires. The team's use of various tools to measure the effect of soot and other particles emitted into the air during large wildfires could help...

Astronomers Identify Twenty Ultraviolet-Emitting Supernova Remnants in the Andromeda Galaxy

Positions of the 20 SNRs with detected diffuse UV emission (red squares) and of the 5 SNRs with likely, but confused, diffuse emission (blue squares), overlaid on the image of the Andromeda Galaxy in the F148W filter. Credit: Leahy et al, 2023Utilizing the AstroSat satellite, astronomers from the University of Calgary, Canada, have identified...

France faces Pressure to Protect Dolphins From Trawlers

Scientists believe many more dolphins die at sea than wash ashore.Dolphins located on the French coast are haunted by man throughout the year. To protect this species, Brussels counsel concerned with a sustainable agenda warns France´s Administration. On Wednesday, Allain Bougrain-Dubourg, chief of the League for the Protection of Birds (LPO), said that he...

What Occurs To Drugs After They Leave Your Organism?

Humans use a vast array of pharmaceuticals to stay healthy—what do those drugs and their breakdown products mean for the health of groundwater ecosystems? Credit: SharonDawn/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0Engulfing a pill merely seems to make it disappear. In reality, drugs sooner or later leave your organism and go into waterways, where they can suffer more...

New Measurement Of Stellar Neutron Source Reaction Fixes Long-Standing Discrepancies

Artistic representation of the underground measurement of the 13C(α,n)16O stellar neutron source reaction. Credit: IMPThe Jinping Underground Nuclear Astrophysics (JUNA) collaboration has reported a recent direct measurement of the cross-section of an essential stellar neutron source reaction, 13C(α, n)16O. The study research was published in Physical Review Letters on September 23.By reaching the most...

Researchers Open a New Window on the Physics of Glass Formation

Credit: University of GlasgowA research study from a worldwide group of researchers has cast new light on the physics of vitrification-- the process by which glass forms.Their findings, which center on analyzing a common feature of glasses called the boson peak, might help pave the way for recent developments in product science.The peak could...

Ripples in Fabric of Universe May Reveal Start of Time

Numerical simulation of the neutron stars merging to form a black hole, with their accretion disks interacting to produce electromagnetic waves. Credit: L. Rezolla (AEI) & M. Koppitz (AEI & Zuse-Institut Berlin)Researchers have advanced in finding out how to utilize ripples in space-time considered as gravitational waves to peer back to the beginning of...

Dolphins Are Screaming Because of Underwater Drilling Noise, Scientists Say

Can't Hear YouHave you ever struggled to be listened over the noise of street construction? That makes you not all also distinct from dolphins, heartbreaking new research suggests.Released lately in the journal Current Biology, a recent paper out of the Dolphin Research Center in the Florida Keys studied a pair of dolphins named Delta...

Mummified Crocodiles Offer Insights Into Mummy-Making Over Time

Overview of the crocodiles during excavation. Credit: Patri Mora Riudavets, member of the Qubbat al-Hawā team, CC-BY 4.0 ( were mummified uniquely at the Egyptian site of Qubbat al-Hawā during the 5th Century BC, concerning to a study released January 18th, 2023, in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Bea De Cupere of the...

DNA Gathered From Slave Skeletons Buried in Unmarked 18th-Century Burial Grounds Reveals Their History

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainA group of scientists affiliated with numerous institutions in the united states, collaborating with members of The Anson Street African Cemetery Project, have found out some of the history behind some of the slaved buried in 18th century Charleston, South Carolina-- home to one of the busiest slave ports in American...