Author - Leandro Conceição

Panasonic’s New Short-Throw Projectors are Designed to Deliver Sharp, Bright Visuals

Panasonic says that its new series of short-throw projectors "increases installation flexibility and delivers bright, sharp visuals for corporate and immersive museum environments"PanasonicIn its newest series of short-throw projectors, Panasonic has boosted the brightness. One model offers 7,000 lumens, while the other provides 6,200 lumens, making them the company's most powerful fixed, short-throw LCD...

Bourbon Distilleries: A New Source of Renewable Energy

After the mash is used to make bourbon, a leftover substance called stillage remains. New research shows that this waste product could have a new life as a source of natural gasDepositphotosIn Kentucky, the demand for bourbon is expected to double over the next five years, while the state’s cattle population has reached its...

Robot Masters Surgical Tasks Simply by Watching Videos

With the help of an AI model trained on videos of surgery videos, a robot system has successfully carried out difficult surgical tasks as skillfully as a humanIntuitivePerforming surgery takes years of training for humans, but a robot could learn the skill more easily with today’s AI technology. Researchers from Johns Hopkins University (JHU)...

No, Chinese Quantum Computers Have not Broken Military-Grade Encryption

Hacking a 50-bit RSA key is so easy you could do it with your cell phone in secondsRecent headlines claim Chinese researchers used D-Wave quantum computers to hack RSA, AES, and "military-grade encryption." This is both true and misleading.A May 2024 white paper in the Chinese Journal of Computers details how researchers used D-Wave's...

Electricity Generated From Styrofoam Static And Wind Energy

The new patch creates harvestable static electricity when exposed to an air currentRMITStyrofoam’s Potential for Generating Static ElectricityIf you’ve ever had packing peanuts stick to your clothes while unboxing a delivery, you already know that Styrofoam generates a lot of static electricity. A new invention is now using this property to create a sustainable...

How it works: The Harmonic Drive gear, Precise, High-torque, With a Wobbling Motion

The unique properties of the Harmonic Drive make it very odd to watch in action - but extremely useful, particularly in precision, high-torque roboticsHarmonic DriveView 4 ImagesThe Harmonic DriveThe Harmonic Drive is a fundamental component in countless robotic applications. Although simple and intriguing to watch in action, this gear system combines exceptional precision with...

Strong Link Between Red Meat Consumption and Cancer Discovered

The 'how' behind the link between red meat consumption and cancer has been identifiedDepositphotosMechanism Linking Red Meat to Colorectal Cancer IdentifiedResearchers have identified the mechanism that connects the excessive intake of red meat to colorectal cancer, along with a potential intervention strategy for this type of cancer.Red meat serves as a vital source of...

World’s Largest Wind Turbine Record Reaches 26-MW

Dongfang's previous largest rig, the 18 MW, 919 ft tall (280 meter) wind turbine installed. No completed images of the new 26 MW wind turbine exist yet, but we'll be sure to update when they are releasedView 6 ImagesChina Leads with Record-Breaking Wind TurbineChina, the undisputed leader in wind energy, has set a new...

Check it Out: Brave Robodog Takes a Stroll Underwater

"The small size of the robot, its waterproof design and solidness contribute to being able to operate in environments where other types of mobile robots are insufficient, such as underground tunnels, narrow passages or waterlogged terrains"MAB RoboticsFrom fire-breathers to sprinters, climbers, and gymnasts, we've witnessed an impressive array of quadruped robots. Now, the fourth-generation...

Your High School IQ May Be a Predictor of your Alcohol Consumption in Later Life

Credit: DepositphotosA teenager's IQ might strangely predict their future beverage preferences, though scientists are unsure why. A recent study of mostly White men and women in the US found that individuals with higher IQ scores during their freshman year of high school are more likely to consume alcohol regularly in adulthood.The analysis found that...