Author - Samilton Santos

A Nuclear Explosion Could Protect Earth From An Asteroid

Credit: DepositphotosNuclear Explosions as a Defense Against AsteroidsPrecisely detonating a nuclear bomb above an approaching asteroid could be our best chance of avoiding a catastrophic impact.Precisely detonating a nuclear bomb above an approaching asteroid could be our best chance of avoiding a catastrophic impact.A laboratory experiment conducted by an international team of researchers showed...

Scientists Reconstruct Africa’s Oldest Human Genomes

Credit: DepositphotosReconstructing Ancient GenomesResearchers reconstructed the oldest human genomes from South Africa, based on the remains of two individuals who lived about 10,000 years ago, providing a deeper understanding of how the region was populated, explained one of the authors of the study on Sunday.A man and a woman whose remains researchers found in...

Unraveling the Connection Between Alzheimer’s And Cancer

Credit: DepositphotosAlzheimer's and Reduced Cancer Risk: Unveiling a Mysterious LinkResearch has revealed that individuals with Alzheimer's disease appear to have a lower risk of developing certain cancers, and a recent study involving rodents may provide insight into this phenomenon.In a study conducted in China, scientists observed that mice exhibiting Alzheimer-like symptoms had a notably...

X-rays May Help Divert Hazardous Asteroids Heading toward Earth

A new study demonstrates a possible way to deflect an Earthbound asteroidDepositphotosAsteroids pose a serious threat to Earth, as history has shown – just ask the dinosaurs. Scientists at Sandia National Laboratories have now demonstrated a potential method for diverting a dangerous asteroid using X-rays.NASA's Current Defense MeasuresNASA has already taken proactive steps to...