Author - Valeriano Ndeyi

NASA’s Solar Stormwatch: Intense X1.1 Flare Captured in Action

NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory snapped a photo of a solar flare on May 9, 2024. The image combines three extreme ultraviolet light wavelengths to showcase the scorching material in flares, colored in green, blue, and red. Credit: NASA/SDONASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory spotted a significant solar flare on May 9, 2024, reaching its peak at...

Subjecting Coffee Grounds to Ultrasonic Waves Results in a 60-second Cold Brew

According to reports, employing acoustic cavitation results in a delicious glass of cold brew. Credit: UNSW.As temperatures rise, lots of coffee lovers are switching to iced coffee. However, folks with sensitive stomachs prefer cold brew because of its lower acidity, which makes it a go-to caffeine choice all year round. Cold brew is smoother,...

SpaceX Unveils New Streamlined Spacesuits

3D printing creates the EVA suit helmet using polycarbonate materials. Credit: SpaceXSpaceX has unveiled its latest Extravehicular Activity (EVA) suits, which could debut in low-Earth orbit by the end of summer. These new suits represent an evolution from the current Dragon mission spacesuits, limited to pressurized environments. Unlike their predecessors, the EVA suits enable...

Cracking the Code of the Electron Universe: Researchers Find a Way Around Ohm’s Law

Scientists have altered the geometry of the electron universe within a magnetic substance, paving the way for advanced spintronic gadgets that rely on quantum-induced, non-Ohmic conductivity. Credit: SciTechDaily.comScientists at Tohoku University and the Japan Atomic Energy Agency have created basic experiments and theories to control the shape of the 'electron universe' within a magnetic...

JWST Takes Detailed Picture of The Horsehead Nebula’s Features

JWST captured a near-infrared image of the boundary of the Horsehead Nebula. (Credit: ESA/Webb, NASA, CSA, K. Misselt/University of Arizona, and A. Abergel/IAS/University Paris-Saclay/CNRS)A fresh perspective has just unveiled a renowned feature in our planet's sky.Mid- and near-infrared investigations conducted by the James Webb Space Telescope have revealed never-before-seen characteristics in the Horsehead Nebula...

It’s Official: Researchers Finally Verified What Is Inside the Moon

An illustration of a full moon in the night sky.The decision is in, then. After all, the Moon is not composed of green cheese.According to a detailed analysis released in May 2023, the Moon's inner core is a solid ball with a density akin to iron. Resolving this long-running controversy – is it solid...

A tardigrades colored scanning electron micrograph

Scientists Find Out How Tardigrades Resist Radiation Bursts

A tardigrade's colored scanning electron micrograph. Credit: Getty imagesTardigrades may be the most resilient creatures on our planet. These tiny microorganisms can resist nearly any challenge humans present to them, emerging unscathed as they stroll along on their eight short legs.The tactics facilitating these remarkable feats of superheroic survival are diverse. They range from...

A black metal-like material with holes in it.

Scientists Created an Odd New Material That Hardens Upon Impact

The newly developed material. (Yue Wang)According to recent research conducted by a group of researchers from the University of California, Merced, electronic devices and sensors may one day be built from a material that toughens up as it is struck or strained.The phrase "adaptive durability" refers to this quality, which is significant for materials science....