Breakthrough in Organoid Intelligence

Scientists are thinking about whether AI can use small lab-grown organs instead of computers to work better, by copying structures similar to brains. They call this Organoid Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence is getting a lot of attention as a big technological change right now. But Organoid Intelligence might push AI even more.
Lab Tissue
Organoids are artificial tissues grown in labs that look like real organs. They usually come from stem cells and have been around for almost 20 years.Normally, organoids are utilized for experiments instead of real kidneys, lungs, and other organs to prevent potentially harmful tests on humans and animals. As reported by CNN, scientists suggest that this “intelligence in a dish” could offer understanding about the human brain and aid in treating Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological disorders.
A New Field Of Study
Dr. Thomas Hartung, from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, told CNN that computers and artificial intelligence have been leading the technology revolution, but they’re starting to hit a limit.
Hartung was in the group that wrote a study called “Organoid intelligence (OI): the new frontier in biocomputing and intelligence-in-a-dish,” which talks about the exciting ideas in this new area of research.
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