Can music Promote Plant Growth? A Study Suggests Sound may Boost Beneficial Fungi Activity

Can music Promote Plant Growth? A Study Suggests Sound may Boost Beneficial Fungi Activity

A study released on Wednesday found that playing a monotonous sound enhances the activity of a fungus that supports plant growth, suggesting that music could potentially benefit crops and gardens.
Credit: Pixabay

A study released on Wednesday found that playing a monotonous sound enhances the activity of a fungus that supports plant growth, suggesting that music could potentially benefit crops and gardens.

The question of whether playing Mozart could enhance plant growth has been debated for a long time. The US TV show “MythBusters” even tested this idea, discovering that plants exposed to death metal and classical music grew slightly better than those in silence, though they considered the results inconclusive.

Amid numerous human-induced challenges—such as erosion, deforestation, pollution, and a growing extinction crisis—the future of global biodiversity and crops is increasingly at risk.

A new study published in the journal Biology Letters notes that “the role of acoustic stimulation in fostering ecosystem recovery and sustainable food systems remains under-explored.”

Exploring the Impact of Sound on Fungal Growth

Building on prior research that exposed E. coli bacteria to sound waves, a team of Australian researchers sought to examine how sound influences the growth rate and spore production of the fungus Trichoderma harzianum. This fungus is commonly used in organic farming for its ability to protect plants from pathogens, enhance soil nutrients, and promote growth.

The researchers created small sound booths to house petri dishes filled with fungi. Instead of popular music, they played “Tinnitus Flosser Masker at 8 kHz,” an audio track from various YouTube white noise videos designed to alleviate tinnitus or help babies sleep.

Think of the sound of an old-school radio between channels,” explained Jake Robinson, the lead author from Flinders University. “We chose this monotone for controlled experimental reasons, but it’s possible that a more varied or natural soundscape could be more beneficial,” he added, emphasizing the need for further research.

Could playing music — or just a sound — to crops help them grow?

The petri dishes were exposed to this sound at a volume of 80 decibels for half an hour each day.

After five days, the fungi that received the sound showed greater growth and spore production than those left in silence.

While the findings are not conclusive, the researchers proposed several possible explanations for this effect.

One idea is that the acoustic waves could generate a fungi-stimulating electrical charge through the piezoelectric effect.

How Fungi Might Sense Sound Waves

Another theory points to tiny receptors on the fungi’s membranes, known as mechanoreceptors. These receptors are similar to the numerous mechanoreceptors found on human skin, which help us sense touch by reacting to pressure and vibrations.

It’s possible that sound waves stimulate these mechanoreceptors in the fungi, triggering a series of biochemical reactions that activate or deactivate genes associated with growth,” Robinson explained.

“Our preliminary research indicates that the fungi do respond to sound, but we still don’t know if this has benefits for the plants. That’s our next focus,” he added.

We need to explore whether we can influence soil or plant microbial communities as a whole. Can we accelerate soil restoration by stimulating the ground with natural soundscapes? What effects might this have on soil fauna?” he asked.

There are numerous important questions that will keep us engaged.”

Read the original article on: Phys Org

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