
Astrophysicists Seek For Second-Nearst Supermassive Black Hole

The ultra-faint Milky Way companion galaxy Leo I appears as a faint patch to the right of the bright star, Regulus. Credit: Scott Anttila Anttler2 astrophysicists at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics have proposed a method to see what could be the second-closest supermassive black hole to Planet: a behemoth three million times the...

A Supercomputer Simulations Gives us a New Look at The Formation of the Moon

An image from the super computer simulation of the creation of the Moon. Credit: Durham UniversityResearchers from Durham University's Institute for Computational Cosmology used the most precise supercomputer simulations ever, revealing an alternative for how the Moon formed 4.5 billion years ago. It showed that a colossal impact between Earth and a Mars-sized body...

New Method for Detecting Newborn Planets May Revolutionize Astronomy

Artist's illustration of a small Saturn-like planet discovered in the system LkCa 15. The planet resides within dense rings of dust and gas that surround a bright yellow star. Material accumulates in a clump and arc-shape, about 60 degrees away from the planet. Note: illustration is not to scale.Credit: M.Weiss/Center for Astrophysics | Harvard...

A Bizarre Radio Mark From Deep Space Has Been Noticed Beating Like a Heart

The large radio telescope and an illustration of the signal. (CHIME/MIT)A brand-new radio signal from deep space is once again challenging our understanding of these mysterious phenomena.Not only is this brand-new fast radio burst, called FRB 20191221A, another extremely rare repeater, but it is not even that quick: the radio flashes received across intergalactic...

Astronomers Have Spotted A Record-Breaking Magnetic Field in Space, And It Is Epic

A pulsar with its jets and magnetic fields. Credit: NASAFar out in the Milky Way, about 22,000 light-years from Earth, a star unlike any other roars with a magnetic power that beats anything physicists have seen before.At an enormous 1.6 billion Tesla, a pulsar named Swift J0243.6+6124 smashes the previous records of around one...

Comet With 500,000 Miles Long Tail Will Fly by Earth and You Will Be Able to See It

Artist's Impression of a comet passing through our solar systemAmateur astronomers may very soon be able to see a comet initially spotted in 2017.Comet C/2017 K2 (PANSTARRS), abridged as K2 for brief, was once the most distant active comet ever before pinpointed, a difference it recently ceded to the mega comet Bernardinelli-Bernstein, found out...

How The Universe Acquired Its Magnetic Fields

Hidden magnetic field lines stretch millions of light years across the universe. Credit:  Quanta Magazine.When we look into space, all of the astrophysical objects seen are enclosed in magnetic fields. This holds not only in the neighborhood of stars and planets but likewise in the deep space between galaxies and galactic clusters.These fields are...

Astrophysicists Develop “Time Machine” Simulations To Observe the Lifecycle of Ancestor Galaxy Cities

Scientists create “time machine” simulations studying the lifecycle of ancestor galaxy cities. Credit: Scitech Daily.Scientists have produced simulations that directly recreate the complete life cycle of a few of the biggest collections of galaxies observed.Several processes in astrophysics take a very long time, making their evolution tricky to study. A star like our sun...