
Two Time Crystals Have Been Successfully Connected Together For the First Time

Alexandr Gnezdilov Light Painting/Moment/GettyThe wonderful step taken by physicistsPhysicists have just taken an wonderful step regarding quantum devices that seems like something out of science fiction.For the first time, isolated sets of particles acting like unusual states of matter known as time crystals have been connected into a single, advancing system that could...

NASA’s New Vasimr Plasma Engine Could Get to Mars in Less Than 6 Weeks

Ad Astra’s rocket will travel ten times quicker than today’s chemical rockets while using one-tenth the amount of fuel.NASA lately delivered $10 million in financing to Ad Astra Rocket Company of Texas for more development of its Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket (VASIMR), an electromagnetic thruster efficient of propelling a spaceship to Mars in...

Scientists BELIEVE Big Bang Was One White Hole

White holes are theoretical cosmic regions that function in an opposite way to black holes. Credit: Future/Adam SmithWhite Holes have been the missing piece of the Universe puzzle since Einstein proposed the Concept of General Relativity.On paper, they are supposed to be the exact opposite of a black hole, at least in terms of time....

Early Planetary Migration Can Explain Missing Planets

Credit: CanvaThe model represents a shortage of planets with masses between super-Earths and mini-NeptunesA new model that represents the interaction of forces acting upon newborn planets can clarify two puzzling observations that have repeatedly turned up among the over 3,800 planetary systems cataloged to date.One puzzle called the "radius valley" refers to the rarity...

JWST Spots the Tiniest Galaxy Outside Our Local Globe

The giant El Gordo galaxy cluster has been used to spot a tiny galaxy beyond it. Credit: NASA.The James Webb Space Telescope has glimpsed the tiniest galaxy outside our regional world-- and it is a thousand times much less huge than the Milky Way.The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has found the tiniest galaxy...

A Black Hole Spewed Out the Remains of One-Star Years After Consuming it

An artist's impression of the "burping" black hole. Credit: DESY / Science Communication Lab 3 years earlier, in October 2018, astronomers saw a black hole consuming and ripping one star apart in a galaxy 665 million light yrs away from Earth.Currently, just recently, the same astronomers observed the same black hole lighting the sky, despite the...

James Webb Helps Astronomers Look to the Past of the Universe

The James Webb image of SMACS 0723. Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, and STScIJames Webb first Full-color images help astronomers make a new discovery.James Webb's discovery is yet to give us not just a new insight but also a treasure trove of data held by every image it has released.The first full-color James Webb image,...

X-rays Have Been Spotted From Behind A Black Hole For the First Time Ever

Researchers observed bright flares of X-ray emissions. Image credit: Dan WilkinsResearchers at Stanford University have actually located a strange pattern while seeing the X-rays from the supermassive black hole at the centre of a galaxy 800 million light-yrs away. The black hole, it seems, is spewing out these rays into the universe around it.Dan...

The Perseids Meteor Shower is Back, but Not Exactly

A shower of Perseid meteors lights up the sky in 2009 in this NASA time-lapse image. Credit: NASA/JPLTypically bringing one of the most stunning yearly meteor showers visible in Earth's night sky, typically providing 50-100 "shooting stars" per hour at its peak, the Perseids are going to peak on Aug. 12 and 13. There...

James Webb Captures New Images of the Cartwheel Galaxy

Image of the Cartwheel Galaxy and its companion galaxies is a composite from Jame Webb’s Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) and Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI). MIRI data is colored red while NIRCam data is colored blue, orange, and yellow.Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScIThe space telescope's powerful infrared gaze offers a new sight of just how the galaxy...