
NASA’s SOFIA Flying Telescope Spots Eclipse of Strange Binary Star

A composite image of the R Aquarii binary star was recorded by NASA's flying telescope SOFIA. Credit: NASA.NASA's flying telescope SOFIA has been watching a dance between 2 celebrities orbiting each other as they come close to the minute of the eclipse, enabling astronomers to study how both exchange stardust.SOFIA, short for "Stratospheric...

The Model Identifies Glaciers Risking Collapse Because of Climate Change

A swimming pool of meltwater in a crevasse in an Alaskan glacier. Credit: Earth.As environment adjustment warms the world. Glaciers are thawing much faster, as well as scientists fear that many will fall down by the end of the century. considerably elevating sea level and also swamping coastal cities and island countries.At a University...

A Strange Rising Radiance in a Remote Galaxy Can Modification the Means We Consider Great Voids

This illustration reveals the accumulation disk, corona (pale, cone-shaped swirls over the disk), and also supermassive great void of energetic galaxy 1ES 1927 +654 before its recent flare-up. Credit: NASA/Sonoma State College, Aurore Simonnet.Something weird is taking place in the galaxy referred to as 1ES 1927 +654: In late 2017, and for reasons that...

Astronomers Discover a Rare “Black Widow” Binary, With the Shortest Orbit Yet

An illustrated view of a black widow pulsar and its stellar companion. The pulsar’s gamma-ray emissions (magenta) strongly heat the facing side of the star (orange). The pulsar is gradually evaporating its partner. Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain.The flashing of a nearby star has attracted MIT astronomers to a new and mysterious system 3,000 light-years...

“Hyper Burst” Nuclear Explosion Observed for the First Time in a Neutron Star

Credit: techzle.Astronomers believe they have discovered proof for an incredibly powerful nuclear explosion in space-- one so unique that seeing one like it again is extremely unlikely.The explosion appears to have occurred inside an unusual neutron star found 140,000 light-years from Earth called MAXI J0556-- 332. Neutron stars are the remnant cores of bigger...

Do We Exist in a Multiverse?

As for we presently know, there is a solitary expanding blob of spacetime speckled with trillions of galaxies - that is our Universe. If there are others, forming a multiverse, we have no riveting evidence for their existence.Theories of cosmology, quantum physics, and the very philosophy of science have some issues that could be...

Researchers State That the Laws of Physics Might Be Changing

The cosmos is weirder than we knowYou are acquainted with the old saying: the only thing constant is change. However, we would certainly bet many people do not believe that line applies to the real rules of the universe itself. As it appears, however, researchers at Microsoft, along with scientists at Brown University and...

Good News: Deadly Asteroid is Not Going to Hit Earth

A deadly asteroidA new report released on February 25 could have been the plot of 2021's "Don't Look Up," a Netflix original about a potentially deadly asteroid that threatens to strike Earth. However, the good news is it was simply a close call.According to the website, the first observations of an asteroid called...

Pristine Hubble Image Shows an Exciting Exchange Between Two Galaxies

Arp 282. (ESA/Hubble & NASA, J. Dalcanton, Dark Energy Survey, DOE, FNAL/DECam, CTIO/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA, SDSS, J. Schmidt)The recurring interaction between two galaxies 320 million light-years away has been recorded in a spectacular Hubble picture.They are collectively named Arp 282 in Halton Arp's Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies. They feature a large barred spiral galaxy called NGC 169, approximately 140,000 light-years across, and a considerably...

Astronomers Identify Remains of Long-Lost Galaxy Consumed by the Milky Way

The Gaia spacecraft's view of the Milky Way galaxy, with purple marking the remains of the Pontus galaxy. (Image credit: ESA/Gaia/DPAC, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO)The massive appetite of a GalaxyThe Milky Way galaxy devoured more galaxies in its early days than astronomers assumed.The Gaia spacecraft discovered the remains of an ancient cosmic collision in...