
Orangutans Instinctively Use Hammers to Strike and Sharp Rocks to Cut

Loui (the juvenile male orangutan) using the core as an active element to vertically strike on the concrete floor of the testing room during the Flake Trading condition of Experiment 2. Credit: Motes-Rodrigo et al., 2022, PLOS ONE, CC-BY 4.0 (creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)Untrained, captive orangutans can finish two significant steps in the routine of stone tool use:...

Protein “Big Bang” Reveals Molecular Makeup for Medicine as well as Bioengineering Applications

Research by Gustavo Caetano-Anollés and Fayez Aziz, University of Illinois, reveals a “big bang” during evolution of protein subunits known as domains. The team looked for protein relationships and domain recruitment into proteins over 3.8 billion years across all taxonomic units. Their results could have implications for vaccine development and disease management. Credit: Fred...

Without Evolutionary Genetic Variation, Asexual Invasive Species Discover New Techniques of Adjusting to Their Environment

A Naupactus cervinus weevil, a common, yet invasive species in many parts of the world, is seen eating a leaf. Credit: Courtesy of Analia Lanteri/Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo de La Plata, ArgentinaResearch from Wellesley University reveals that despite being a clonal insect variety, weevils utilize genetics policy to adjust to brand-new food...

Sustained Fast Rates of Evolution Explain Exactly How Tetrapods Advanced From Fish

The aerial scene depicts two Late Devonian early tetrapods – Ichthyostega and Acanthostega – coming out of the water to move on land. Footprints trail behind the animals to show a sense of movement. Credit: Davide BonadonnaOne of the most critical questions in evolution is how and when significant groups of animals first evolved....

New Study Helps Explain the Diversity of Life and “Paradox of Sex”

There are significant differences in species numbers among the major branches of the tree of life. Some groups of organisms have numerous species, while others have some. For example, animals, plants, and fungi each have more than 100,000 known species, how most of the others-- such as many algal and bacterial groups-- have 10,000...

Rare Upper Paleolithic Human Remains Found at the Cova Gran de Santa Linya Site

Remains of Linya, recovered in Cova Gran site. Credit: CEPAAt the Cova Gran de Santa Linya site (La Noguera, Lleida), the remains of a female attributed to H. sapiens were discovered by scientists of the Centro Nacional de Investigación Sobre la Evolución Humana (CENIEH). The carbon-14 record of the sediments in the natural vessel...