Molecular Biology

The Way Mouse Embryos Determine Between The Left And Right Sides

A light micrograph of a section through the thorax of a mouse embryo, which shows left–right asymmetry. RIKEN researchers have discovered how cilia detect fluid flow, which eventually leads to this asymmetry. Credit: Dr. Keith Wheeler/Science Photo LibraryThe process through which small hairs in embryos perceive fluid movement has been identified by biologists from...

Belt and Suspenders: Alpine Lake Bacteria Deploy 2 Light-Harvesting Systems

Lake Gossenköllesee is located in the Tyrolean Alps. Credit: Christopher BellasThough human beings, along with other vertebrate and invertebrate organisms, do not photosynthesize, we're certainly the downstream beneficiaries of the life forms that do. Phototrophic organisms at the bottom of the food chain convert plentiful sunlight into the energy that ultimately powers all other...

Chromosomal Study Proposes People Were Residing in South America as far Back as 18,000 Years Ago

Schematic representation of the geographic distribution of Q-Z780 and sub-lineages. Colored circles represent geographic distribution and sub-lineage membership as shown in the inset tree. Credit: PLOS ONE (2022).Discovery of chromosomal evidenceA team of scientists affiliated with many institutions in Argentina has discovered chromosomal proof of people residing in South America as far back as 18,000...

Earliest Paleogenome From the African Continent Informs About the Blue Antelope Extinction

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainThe blue antelope (Hippotragus leucophaeus) was an African antelope with a bluish-gray pelt pertaining to the living sable and roan antelopes. The last blue antelope was shot around 1800. Only 34 years after it was first explained scientifically, making it the just large African mammal species that have become extinct in...

Elevated CO2 Levels Cause Mineral Deficiency in Plants Resulting in Less Nutritious Crops

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainFor many years, researchers have seen improved photosynthesis as one of the only feasible bright sides of increasing degrees of climatic carbon dioxide (CO2) -- since plants use CO2 for photosynthesis, it is expected that greater degrees of the gas will lead to much more effective plants.In an evaluation published in...

Mathematics Allow Scientists Too Understand Organization Within A Cells Nucleus

Classes of transcription clusters.  Credit: Nature Communications (2022)Science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke's 3rd law states that "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Indika Rajapakse, Ph.D., is a believer. The engineer and mathematician now discovers himself a biologist. And he believes the charm of blending these 3 disciplines is crucial to unraveling how cells...

Beyond AlphaFold: AI Excels At Developing New Protein

Proteins designed with an ultra-rapid software tool called ProteinMPNN were much more likely to fold up as intended. Credit: Ian Haydon, UW Medicine Institute for Protein DesignOver the past 2 years, machine learning has revolutionized protein structure prediction. Currently, three papers in Science describe a similar revolution in protein design.In the current papers, biologists...

Secret to Success of Drug-Resistant Bacteria

Model of O-antigen ligase enzyme from Gram-negative bacteria. Credit: Diario Salud.Scientists have identified how Gram-negative bacteria-- which cause drug-resistant pneumonia, bloodstream infections, and surgical site infections in hospitalized patients-- complete building a crucial element of their outer membrane that guards these pathogens against attacks by the immune system and antibiotics.The brand-new findings could...

Researchers Discover New Insights About Lymphangioleiomyomatosis

Scientists have found new insights about lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM), a rare lung disease, which affects approximately 1 in 200,00 Americans and typically includes the growth of abnormal cells in different tissues and organs, including the lungs.Lymphangioleiomyomatosis researchAs scientists studied LAM cells in the lab, they found a "mixed phenotype," or distinctions in physical expression in...

IHU Covid-19 New Variant – More Infectious than Omicron

IHU Covid-19 New Variant - More Infectious than OmicronIt was just recently that the new variant of covid-19, Omicron, was recognized first in South Africa multiply promptly around the globe, one more new Covid-19 variation is being reported from France which is believed to be increasingly more contagious than Omicron. Scientists have called the...