
New Carbon-Based Catalyst Created for Effective Photo Driven Carbon Dioxide Cycloaddition

Photo-driven catalytic process based on the Al–N–C catalyst. Credit: NIMTEThe team of Professor Chen Liang and Professor Lu Zhiyi's team at the Ningbo Innovation and Product Engineering Institute (NIMTE) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) suggested a highly activated carbon-based catalyst that can make direct use of the renewable resources (e.g., solar energy)...

Magnetic Material 3D Printed From Nonmagnetic Powder

The 3D printer used in the study. Credit: Oleg Dubinin et alResearchers from Skoltech and their coworkers have used a 3D printer to fuse two products in an alloy whose make-up continuously alters from one region of the sample to other, endowing the alloy with magnetic gradient properties. Regardless of the nonmagnetic nature of...

Additively Producing Improved Steel Using Synchrotron X-ray Techniques

A multimodal Investigation of adductively manufactured 316L stainless steel revealing a heterogeneous - and correlative. Credit: Dr. W. Streit Cunningham and Prof. Jason Trelewicz, Stony Brook UniversityLaser additive manufacturing, a form of 3D printing that accumulates parts layer-by-layer by melting and resolidifying steel powders– has ushered in a renaissance for researchers discovering exactly how...

Chemistry Lab on ExoMars Rover Will Search For Evidence of Life on Mars

An international group of scientists made a tiny chemistry lab for a rover that will drill below the Martian surface, searching for previous or existing life signs. For ExoMars Reconnaissance is a joint venture involving the European Space Agency and the Russian aerospace company Roscosmos. NASA made a significant contribution to MOMA, the laboratory...

Researchers Design Sensors to Quickly Identify Plant Hormonal Agents

Nanosensors developed at the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) can detect synthetic auxin plant hormones NAA and 2,4-D. Credits: The Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology.Scientists from the Disruptive and Sustainable Technologies for Agricultural Precision (DiSTAP) interdisciplinary research study team of the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART), MIT's research study...

Recently Developed Evolved Enzymes to Produce Renewable Isobutene

A new research study published on September 7 details an innovation in developing advanced enzymes to sustain a renewable process to produce one of the vital products of the chemical industry (isobutene), used everywhere from beauty products to fuel.The freshly published discoveries are the outcome of collective work between Global Bioenergies and the team...

Researchers Infuse Bacteria with Silver to Boost Power Efficiency in Fuel Cells

Artist’s concept of a microbial fuel cell with efficiencies boosted by silver nanoparticles. Credit: Image created by AKang, Sphere Studio. Copyright: Yu Huang and Xiangfeng DuanA UCLA-led team of engineers and chemists had a significant advancement in developing microbial fuel cells-a modern technology that uses natural bacteria to remove electrons from organic matter in...

Cheaper Hydrogen Production

Electrolytic hydrogen manufacturing powered by renewable energy is viewed as an environmentally safe way to relieve international environmental and energy issues. In the journal Angewandte Chemie, a research study team presented a new and low-cost material for electrodes that may offer very efficient, energy-saving hydrogen production: porous, phosphorized CoNi2S4 yolk-shell nanospheres.The half-reactions of water...

A New 3D-Printed Sensor Can Detect Glyphosate in Drinks

Engineers tested the sensor device on samples of orange juice that they spiked with glyphosate for the study.Credit: BOB HUBNER, WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITYA recently developed, cheap sensing unit can spot and accurately measure the amount of the commonly used and contentious herbicide glyphosate in droplets of fluid in a lab examination.Washington State University (WSU)...

Nature-Inspired Sustainable Water Treatment System

Students from Monash Chemical Engineering developed a sustainable, autonomous water treatment system that eliminates persistent organic pollutants from industrial wastewater using nature's natural water treatment cycle as inspiration. The unique Stand Alone Sunflow System (SASS) - developed by Ph.D. students Mostafa Dehghani and Mahdi Naseri, and also undergraduate student Clare Carew - utilizes conveniently accessible as...