
US Government Supports Carbon Credit Industry’s Self-Reform Efforts

President Joe Biden speaks at an Earth Day event on April 22, 2024 in Triangle, VA. (Photo by Samuel Corum/Sipa USA)The US government is aiming to support carbon offsets by endorsing industry-led efforts to reform a market that has faced increasing criticism.The Biden administration has introduced a set of principles to define “high-integrity” carbon...

Wheat Gene Discovery Could Boost Yields and Climate Resilience

Two images of a wheat spike. The top image is a spike from an alog1 mutant, with additional spikelets highlighted in pink. The bottom image is a normal spike from a plant without the edited gene. Credit: University of AdelaideScientists have uncovered new insights into the role of a well-known wheat gene, Photoperiod-1 (Ppd-1),...

Giant Iceberg Calves Off in Major Event in Antarctica

Credit: PixabayOn May 20th, 2024, a 380 square kilometer (~147 mi²) iceberg separated from the Brunt Ice Shelf in Antarctica. This event, known as A-83, marks the third major iceberg calving in this area in the last four years.In 2021, the first significant event occurred when A-74 separated from the ice sheet, followed by...

The Largest Antarctic Ice Shelf is Acting Unusually

Credit: PixabayIn Antarctica, massive glaciers are constantly shifting, with ice streams acting like conveyor belts that transport most of the ice and sediment debris from these glaciers to the ocean.According to new research from Washington University in St. Louis, one such ice stream displaces the entire Ross Ice Shelf at least once daily. This...

Extreme Temperatures Raise Stroke Death Risk in Low-Income Countries

LDCs: Extreme temperatures may increase risk of stroke mortality | PreventionWebExtreme temperatures raise stroke death risk in low-income countries. Both extreme heat and cold are linked to higher death rates from ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes, as found in a new study by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.The connection between extreme temperatures...

Major Meta-Study Confirms the Effectiveness of Carbon Pricing

Credit: PixabayCarbon pricing systems have empirically reduced emissions by 5 to 21% in their initial years of operation. A research team has compiled findings from 17 real-world climate policies worldwide, offering a more comprehensive understanding than ever before. They employed artificial intelligence to consolidate existing surveys and made them comparable through a new calculation...

Brazil Launches urgent Rescue Operation as Floods Kill Over 78

Aerial view of flooded streets in the Navegantes neighborhood of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil on May 4, 2024.Southern Brazil authorities worked urgently on Sunday to rescue individuals from severe floods and mudslides, marking the area's worst-ever climate disaster. The calamity has resulted in a death toll of at least 78,...

Wine Growers at Africa’s Tip Adapt to Climate Change

Replanting is done in phases, with old vines notably Chenin keeping up production while the new ones grow.On a South African wine estate, piles of dry, uprooted grapevines lie at the base of a barren, hilly terrain.Vineyards are replanting to adapt to climate change, anticipating infrequent but intense rainfall in the wine region.From Australia...

Countries in Crisis May Unilaterally Hack the Global Climate

Credit: PixabayThe landmark Paris climate accord sparked a rallying cry among developing nations: "1.5 to survive." This signifies the global goal of limiting temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.8 Fahrenheit) above preindustrial levels. However, it's anticipated that this threshold will be exceeded within the next decade, with global warming showing minimal signs of...

Rainforest’s Next Tree Generation at Risk 30 Years Post-Logging

An unlogged tropical forest in Danum Valley, Malaysian Borneo. Credit: PixaobayRecent research indicates that seedlings in natural rainforests have higher survival rates compared to areas previously subjected to logging, despite efforts of tree restoration projects. This study is featured in Global Change Biology.Researchers monitored over 5,000 seedlings for eighteen months in North Borneo. They...