
A Study Finds 41% of Child Mortality Related with Genetic Sicknesses

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainIn a research showing up today in JAMA Network Open, Rady Kid's Institute for Genomic Medicine (RCIGM) scientists discovered that the contribution of genetic diseases to infant deaths was greater than formerly recognized. Of 112 infant deaths examined, single-locus (Mendelian) genetic diseases were found to be the most typical antecedent of...

A Current Cell Model for the Human Lung

Fluorescence staining of Arlo cells. The image shows the overlay of a staining of cell nuclei (gray) and the tight junction protein 1 (blue) and was taken with a confocal laser scanning microscope. Credit: HIPS/BoeseThere is a very long process before the approval of a medicine, a new  drug or a healing substance. It...

The Lethal VEXAS Syndrome is More Common Than Doctors Believed

A strange new illness might be responsible for severe, inexplicable inflammation in older men. Now, scientists have their first good look at who the disease strikes and how frequently.Credit: THOMAS BARWICK/STONE/GETTY IMAGES PLUSVEXAS syndrome, an illness discovered simply two years ago, impairs almost 1 in 4,000 men over 50, scientists estimate January 24 in...

Teaching ants to detect cancerous tumors in mice through their sense of smell.

Schema of the experimental device (arenas). (a) Set-up used during the conditioning phase. The time to find the reward was noted. (b) Slightly modified set-up used during the memory tests. The time spent by the ant in the vicinity of the odors (areas, in dashed lines) was recorded during 2 min. Each area measured...

What Occurs To Drugs After They Leave Your Organism?

Humans use a vast array of pharmaceuticals to stay healthy—what do those drugs and their breakdown products mean for the health of groundwater ecosystems? Credit: SharonDawn/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0Engulfing a pill merely seems to make it disappear. In reality, drugs sooner or later leave your organism and go into waterways, where they can suffer more...

‘Incurable’ Deadly Syndrome May Finally be Treated by New Drug

(Shubhangi Ganeshrao Kene/Science Photo Library/Getty Images)Alagille syndrome is a potentially deadly genetic disorder that affects numerous organs and systems, most notably the liver. Currently, there's no known treatment for it-- however, researchers have now identified a potentially effective therapy.Called NoRA1, the newly developed drug targets the Notch pathway, a cell-level signaling system in the...

Another Step Toward an Insulin Tablet

Credit: James Yarema on UnsplashFor the millions of people living with diabetic issues, insulin is a life-saving drug. Unlike many other medicines, however, insulin can not be easily provided by swallowing a pill-- it needs to be injected under the skin with a syringe or pump. Scientists have been making steps towards an insulin...

New Biomarker Test Can Spot Alzheimer’s Neurodegeneration in Blood

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainA team of neuroscientists led by a College of Pittsburgh Institution of Medicine scientist created a test to spot a new marker of Alzheimer's illness neurodegeneration in a blood sample. A research on their outcomes was released today in Brain.New BiomarkerThe biomarker, named brain-derived tau, or BD-tau, outperforms...

We All Lose Our Memory Sometimes

(Dougal Waters/Getty ImagesYou've driven home from work along the same course for the past five years. However, lately, you've been stopping at the same intersection, struggling to remember if you must turn left or right. Many occasions in everyday life could make us question whether lapses in memory are common, a sign of cognitive...

Eye Implant Performed From Pig Skin Reverses Blindness in 14 Individuals

Credit: Thor BalkhedAn artificial cornea made from pig skin might end our reliance on human donors and provide millions of individuals worldwide back their sight.The ChallengeThe cornea is a hard, transparent layer of tissue which covers the front side of the eye. It aids focus light on the retina, and if it is damaged...