
AI Programmers Typically Ignore Security in Search of Innovation– How Do We Regulate Them Without Obstructing Progression?

AI Programmers Typically Ignore Security in Search of Innovation-- How Should We Regulate Them Without Obstructing Progression?Ever since artificial intelligence (AI) transitioned from concept to reality, r&d centers throughout the world have been rushing to find the next big innovation in AI.This competition is, in some cases, called the "AI race." However, in practice,...

Professor Emeritus Michael Athans, the Pioneer in Theory of Control, Dies Aged 83

A professor of electrical engineering of long standing, he was also a transformational research supervisor at the MIT Lab for Information and Decisions System.MIT Professor Emeritus of Computer and Electrical Engineers Michael Athans quietly died on May the 26th at his family home in Clearwater, Florida, at the age of eighty-three.Athans was born in...

Car Fleet Sizing, Positioning and Routing Trouble with Stochastic Customers

The Vehicle Fleet Positioning, Sizing, and Routing Problem with Stochastic Customers (VFSPRP-SC) is a method that consists of pairing strategic warehouse positioning and fleet sizing solutions with operational vehicle routing decisions while considering intrinsic demand uncertainty. The issue (VFSPRP-SC) was successfully settled using a methodology composed of two principal blocks:a scenario generatiING phase;a two-stage...

How Decision Theory Can Help Guide Our Actions

With lots at stake in the Covid-19 pandemic, Professors Sylvia Richardson and Sir David Spiegelhalter look at just what we could possibly get out of the decision-making theory when deciding our next moves.The opinions were mixed on the wisdom of the wisdom of the decision to loosen all social distancing regulations in England from...

Artificial Intelligence Expert Designs New Theory for Decision Making

How should humans make decisions when the outcomes of their choices are uncertainty and unpredictably determined by the theory of probability?Such is the question posed by Prakash Shenoy, the Ronald G. Harper Distinguished Professor of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Kansas School of Business.His resolution can be discovered in the brief article "An...

What is Game Theory

In mathematics sense, a game is a setting in which players make reasoned choices according to definite rules in order to gain some kind of advantage. Game theory is the field of mathematics that focuses on the analysis of such video games. Game theory can be broken down into two principal sub-disciplines: classical game...

What Game Theory Tells us About Politics and Society

The concept of game theory is used by economist Alexander Wolitzky to model social dynamics, networks, and groups.Alexander Wolitzky leans back in his workplace chair, stops briefly, and begins to define "Cycles of Dispute: An Economic Design," a journal write-up he co-authored.In his office chair, Alexander Wolitzky leans back, pauses, and starts to describe...

Examining the Competition Between Autonomous Vehicles and Public Transit

Recent rapid advancements in autonomous car technology have changed global transportation infrastructure and consumer behavior. As the number of autonomous cars increases across the globe, a rise in shared self-governing mobility on demand (AMoD) services is likely to follow. The issue of whether AMoD would coexist with or pose a threat to the public...

The Mathematical Formula for the Ideal Christmas Tree

During Christmas time, some people prefer something much more traditional in their homes than the Treeasy. For them, members of the University of Sheffield Maths Society created a formula for the perfect Christmas tree as a response to a challenge by U.K. department store Debenhams.The formula, which was produced by students Nicole Wrightman and...

Researchers Identify Intruders in Noise

A group of scientists from MIPT and Kazan National Research Technical University is developing a mathematical apparatus that could improve network security. The results have been released in the journal Mathematics.Complex systems, such as network traffic or living microorganisms, do not have deterministic physical laws to properly define them and predict future habits. In...