
Strong Link Between Red Meat Consumption and Cancer Discovered

The 'how' behind the link between red meat consumption and cancer has been identifiedDepositphotosMechanism Linking Red Meat to Colorectal Cancer IdentifiedResearchers have identified the mechanism that connects the excessive intake of red meat to colorectal cancer, along with a potential intervention strategy for this type of cancer.Red meat serves as a vital source of...

Amateur Discovers The Largest Known Prime Number, And it’s Gigantic

Credit: PixabayBreaking a Six-Year Drought in Prime DiscoveriesA recent participant in the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS) has broken a six-year stretch without new discoveries in the quest for large prime numbers, among the usual composites.This new prime number has an impressive 41,024,320 decimal digits—it would take months to write out in full....

Airbus and Toshiba Collaborate on Superconducting Aircraft Motor

Concept of the Airbus/Toshiba superconducting aircraft motorCollaboration for Ultra-Efficient Motor DevelopmentAirbus and Toshiba have joined forces to develop an ultra-efficient superconducting motor for aircraft that utilizes liquid hydrogen to power the propulsion system and cool adjacent systems.Among the alternatives for reducing aircraft emissions, hydrogen stands out for its high energy density and ability to...

The Crop-Spraying Robot Reduces Emissions and Herbicide Use

The Prospr robot is additionally intended to address the shortage of farm workers Robotics PlusSpraying orchards and vineyards is not environmentally friendly, as tractors emit exhaust while applying herbicides and pesticides. This issue was a key motivation behind the development of the electric, autonomous Prospr robot.Created by the New Zealand agritech firm Robotics Plus, this...

Study Finds That Your Sense of Smell Influences How You Breathe

Credit: DepositphotosIn a 2011 survey, over half of 16- to 22-year-olds, when asked to choose only two items from a list, said they would rather give up their sense of smell than go without technology like their phone or laptop.Compared to other senses, human smell often seems like an afterthought. However, researchers have discovered...

New Nano-Weapon Discovered In Dangerous Bacteria

The researchers used a cryogenic electron microscope to derive this stylized version of the Tse15 toxinBrooke HayesOpportunistic Threat: Acinetobacter baumanniiAcinetobacter baumannii (A. baumannii) is an opportunistic bacterium that infects individuals weakened by illnesses like pneumonia or wounds. It can colonize the lungs and cause infections in organs or on the skin, surviving on dry...

Study Proposes Diamond Injection to Cool the Planet

Credit: PixabayHeist movies are rarely about solving climate change, and for good reason. It’s hard to imagine George Clooney racing down the highway with a truckload of stolen diamonds, saying, "Hey, let’s crush these sparkly gems into powder and scatter them through the stratosphere to cool the planet."Calculating Diamonds for Global CoolingHowever, a team...

Survey Shows How Many People Skip Handwashing After Using the Toilet

Credit: DepositphotosAustralia's Food Safety Information Council recently released a report on the nation's handwashing habits. It revealed that 19% of Australians don’t always wash their hands after using the toilet, and nearly half (42%) confess they don’t consistently wash their hands before handling food.Do you wash your hands every time you use the bathroom?...

TRAPPIST Planets Targeted for Monitoring Potential Alien Radio Communications

Astronomers have listened in on the TRAPPIST-1 system in case aliens are beaming radio signals between neighboring planetsZayna SheikhIf extraterrestrials are observing Earth, they could potentially pick up on the radio signals we send to Mars to operate our rovers. Astronomers have begun monitoring the nearby TRAPPIST-1 system to see if aliens are communicating...

Check it Out: Brave Robodog Takes a Stroll Underwater

"The small size of the robot, its waterproof design and solidness contribute to being able to operate in environments where other types of mobile robots are insufficient, such as underground tunnels, narrow passages or waterlogged terrains"MAB RoboticsFrom fire-breathers to sprinters, climbers, and gymnasts, we've witnessed an impressive array of quadruped robots. Now, the fourth-generation...