
A New Method Lets Robots Map a Scene and Identify Objects to Complete Tasks

MIT's Clio runs in real-time to map task-relevant objects in a robot's surroundings, allowing the bot (Boston Dynamic's quadruped robot Spot, pictured) carry out a natural language task ("pick up orange backpack"). Credit: Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyPicture tidying up a cluttered kitchen, beginning with a counter scattered with sauce packets. If your aim is...

Earth’s Potential Ring System and Climate Impact 499 Million Years Ago

If Earth had a ring system 446 million years ago, it could provide an explanation for the impact craters found in the geological record. Additionally, it might shed light on an unusual climate event during that time.Image Credit: ANDREI SALAUYOU/max dallocco/, modified by IFLScienceNew research suggests that a ring formed around the Earth about...

Scientists Suggest that Adhering to this Diet may Help Slow Cognitive Decline

A study published in Neurology suggests that closely following the MIND diet may lower the risk of cognitive impairment, with a stronger effect observed in women and Black participants. While the study shows an association between the diet and reduced risk, it does not prove causation. Credit: PixabayA study published in Neurology, the journal...

NASA is Moving Forward with Plans to Establish a Time Zone on the Moon

Credit: PixabayFortunately, NASA is advancing plans to implement a standardized time zone on the Moon. The proposed Coordinated Lunar Time (LTC) would help schedule missions and explorations, making future efforts to establish a permanent base on the lunar surface somewhat easier.While the concept has been previously discussed, NASA has announced plans to collaborate with...

Lab Discovery Presents New Challenge in the Search for Alien Life

Credit: PixabayThe most probable method for detecting life on a distant exoplanet is by identifying a biosignature. This involves analyzing the atmospheric spectra of the planet to find the distinctive spectral pattern of a molecule that can only be produced through biological activity.Although it seems straightforward, detecting life on exoplanets is far from simple....

Using Banana Peel as an Ingredient Leads to Surprising Results

Credit: PixabayEach time you peel a banana and toss the skin, you're discarding a delicious and nutritious treat. Recent research suggests that when banana peels are blanched, dried, and processed into flour, they can be used to make baked goods that are just as tasty, if not tastier, than those made with wheat flour.Unless...

A Mysterious Group of Orcas Near Chile has Been Found, Revealing New Hunting Techniques

Off the coast of Chile, in the krill- and anchovy-rich waters influenced by the Humboldt Current, resides a rarely seen population of orcas. Through citizen science and years of diligent monitoring, a research team led by Dr. Ana García Cegarra from the Universidad de Antofagasta is beginning to uncover their mysteries—starting with their feeding...

A Nuclear Explosion Could Protect Earth From An Asteroid

Credit: DepositphotosNuclear Explosions as a Defense Against AsteroidsPrecisely detonating a nuclear bomb above an approaching asteroid could be our best chance of avoiding a catastrophic impact.Precisely detonating a nuclear bomb above an approaching asteroid could be our best chance of avoiding a catastrophic impact.A laboratory experiment conducted by an international team of researchers showed...

Scientists Reconstruct Africa’s Oldest Human Genomes

Credit: DepositphotosReconstructing Ancient GenomesResearchers reconstructed the oldest human genomes from South Africa, based on the remains of two individuals who lived about 10,000 years ago, providing a deeper understanding of how the region was populated, explained one of the authors of the study on Sunday.A man and a woman whose remains researchers found in...

Medicinal Tree Grown From a 1,000-Year-Old Cave Seed

Morphological features of "Sheba" at different ages. Credit: Communications Biology (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s42003-024-06721-5An international team of botanists, agriculturists, and historians has successfully cultivated a mature tree from an ancient seed discovered in an Israeli cave.In fact, in their study published in Communications Biology, the researchers detail the seed’s origin, the process of tracing its history,...