Condensed Matter

Quest for Fractionalization in Condensed Matter Physics

Wannier states and schematic phase diagram. (a) Wannier states and a typical moiré pattern. The yellow and green blobs schematically represent the shape of Wannier orbitals on the BA and AB sublattices, respectively. (b) Schematic representation of the six-phase registry of AB-BA sites. The vertices of the triangle correspond to the three charge lobes. (c) Proposed phase...

Illustrating the Electron Topology Using ‘3D Glasses’

Credit: Unsplush.Topological quantum materials are viewed as a promising prospect for energy-efficient electronics and advanced technology in the future. Among their remarkable features is the ability to conduct spin-polarized electrons on their surface, despite being non-conductive in their interior.To better grasp this concept, it's important to understand that spin-polarized electrons possess intrinsic angular momentum,...

New Possibilities Found for Room-Temperature Superconductivity

To study superconducting materials in their “normal,” non-superconducting state, scientists usually switch off superconductivity by exposing the material to a magnetic field, left. SLAC scientists discovered that turning off superconductivity with a flash of light, right produces a normal state with very similar fundamental physics that is also unstable and can host brief flashes...

An Early Universe Analog Constructed in a Laboratory in Germany

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainA group of investigators at Universität Heidelberg has constructed an early universe analog in their research laboratory utilizing cooled potassium atoms. In their paper publicized in the journal Nature, the group explains their simulator and exactly how it could be used. Silke Weinfurtner, with the College of Nottingham, has published a...

Did the scientists at CERN discover proof of completely novel physics?

The detector at the Large Hadron Collider’s CMS experiment, pictured during the machine’s shutdown. Credit: Samuel Joseph Hertzog, Julien Marius Ordan/CERNAfter running for a decade, there were high expectations that the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the colossal accelerator at CERN, would uncover new particles that could aid in the understanding of the most profound mysteries...

A novel form of matter known as “superionic” ice that is extremely hot has been discovered.

Researchers at Rochester’s Laboratory for Laser Energetics used the same setup at a recent study to create superionic ice, shown here in this artistic rendering. In that instance, the ice was not stable. Credit: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory illustration / Millot, Coppari, Hamel, Krauss.By subjecting a droplet of water to extreme temperatures similar to those...

A Brand-New Concept to Describe the Openness of Metal Oxides

The electrons of some metal oxides, due to their vast effective mass when combined with the ionic lattice of the material, can not comply with the electric field of light and allow it to pass through the material. Transparent and conductive materials are made use of in smartphone touch displays and solar panels for...

Ultracold Quantum Fragments Break Timeless Symmetry

The symmetry in dynamic development found in many natural events aid scientists in their comprehension of a system's fundamental mechanism. These symmetries, nevertheless, are not always obtained in quantum physics. For the first a period of time physicists from Heidelberg College's Center for Quantum Dynamics demonstrated the theoretically predicted divergence from traditional symmetry in...

Radiography is being used by scientists to better understand the development of fluid and powerful microjets.

The projections of a study from 2020 that computationally evaluated the influence of melting on shock-driven metal microjets were experimentally corroborated by scientists at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). According to a previous investigation, melting the foundation material did not always result in an important rise in jet mass.The LLNL, led by David Bober,...

A Brand-New Concept of Superconductivity

A team of researchers from the College of Tsukuba's Division of Quantum Condensed Issue Physics has devised a new theory of superconductivity. Based on the estimation of the 'Berry connection,' this model contributes far more to explaining new findings from experiments than the current theory. The research could enable future electrical grids to send...