
Uncovering Concealed Local States in a Quantum Material

Scientists have collected evidence of local symmetry breaking in a quantum material upon heating. They believe these local states are associated with electronic orbitals that serve as orbital degeneracy lifting (ODL) "precursors" to the titanium (Ti) dimers (two molecules linked together) formed when the material is cooled to low temperature. (Electron orbitals are considered...

Exploring Quantum Systems That Don’t Find Equilibrium

Some physical systems, particularly in the quantum world, do not reach stable equilibrium, even after long. An ETH researcher has now discovered a sophisticated description of this phenomenon.If a bottle of beer is placed in a huge bathtub loaded with icy water, it will not be long before you can enjoy a chilly beer....

Light Does the Twist for Quantum Computing

The discoveries, by Nagoya College researchers and colleagues in Japan and released in the journal Advanced Materials, allude to the development of materials and device methods used in optical quantum computing data processing.Photons are light particles with fascinating properties that can be explored for the storage and transportation of data and reveal tremendous promise...

The New Quantum Algorithm Surpasses the QPE Standard

Researchers boost their recently developed quantum algorithm, bringing it to one-tenth the computational price of Quantum Phase Estimation, and also utilize it to directly compute the vertical ionization energies of light atoms as well as molecules such as CO, O2, CN, F2, H2O, NH3 within 0.1 electron volts of accuracy.OSAKA, Japan. Quantum computers have...

How do Cells Obtain Their Shapes? A new Mechanism Determined

One of the research projects being carried out by the experimental biologists in the Martin Laboratory at the University of Lausanne, under the direction of professor Sophie Martin, involves using light to trigger processes within genetically modified fission yeast cells. When team members were carrying out these experiments, they noticed that a certain protein...

‘Frameshifting’ Therapy for Pole Cell Cancers Minimizes Size and the Spread

New Frameshifting Therapy Effective Against Mast Cell CancersA team of researchers at North Carolina State University has developed a new frameshifting therapy that has shown promising results against mast cell cancers in mice. Mast cell cancers are a type of cancer that affects the immune system and can be difficult to treat. In the...

Physicists Develop an Unusual ‘Wigner Crystal’ Made Simply of Electrons

In 1934, Eugene Wigner, a pioneer of quantum mechanics, theorized of an odd sort of matter-- a crystal made from electrons. The idea was very straightforward, proving it had not been. With limited success, physicists tried many tricks over eighty years to nudge electrons right into forming these so-called Wigner crystals. However, in June,...

The Research Team Discovers That it Takes Some Warmth to Form Ice on Graphene

In a paper released in Nature Communications, the research study team describes the complicated physical processes working to recognize the chemistry of ice formation. The molecular-level viewpoint of this process may assist in forecasting the formation and melting of ice, from singular crystals to glaciers and ice sheets. The latter is essential to measure...

Igniting Plasmas in Liquid

The ignition of plasma under water. Credit: © Damian GorczanyPhysicists of Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) have taken amazing pictures that allow the ignition process of plasma underwater to be observed and also tracked in real-time. Dr. Katharina Grosse has given the first data collections with the ultra-high temporal resolution, backing a new theory on igniting...