Quantum Physics

Research Uncovers Existing Limitations in The Detection of Entanglement

An intuitive illustration of our theorem. Assume the state we consider has dimension d and is coupled with an environment with dimension k. We use three balls to represent the states, whereas the outer one contains all the states.Quantum entanglementQuantum entanglement is a process through which 2 particles become entangled and remain linked...

A Peculiar Protected Structure Links Viking knots With Quantum Vortices

In Borromean rings, each circle holds the pattern together by passing through the other two circles. Credit: Alexandr Kakinen / Aalto UniversityResearchers have demonstrated how three vortices can be linked to prevent them from being dismantled. The structure of the links resembles a pattern used by Vikings and other old cultures. However, this research...

Physicists Push the Limits of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

Entangled drumheads. Credit: Aalto UniversityNew researches expand the boundaries of physics, reaching quantum entanglement in larger systems. Perhaps, even getting around the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.Recently released research pushes the boundaries of crucial concepts in quantum mechanics. Studies from 2 various groups utilized little drums to demonstrate that quantum entanglement. This is an effect generally...

Researchers Discover Exotic Quantum State in Topological Insulators

Researchers at Princeton found that a material known as a topological insulator, made from the elements bismuth and bromine, exhibit specialized quantum behaviors normally seen only under extreme experimental conditions of high pressures and temperatures near absolute zero. Credit: Shafayat Hossain and M. Zahid Hasan of Princeton UniversityA new discoveryFor the first time, physicists...

An Early Universe Analog Constructed in a Laboratory in Germany

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainA group of investigators at Universität Heidelberg has constructed an early universe analog in their research laboratory utilizing cooled potassium atoms. In their paper publicized in the journal Nature, the group explains their simulator and exactly how it could be used. Silke Weinfurtner, with the College of Nottingham, has published a...

A Team Of Physicists Finds Signs Of Pentaquark States And New Matter

Production mechanisms. The top panel shows the quark line diagrams at the electroweak vertex, and the bottom panels show the corresponding production diagram for Pc states. (a) Color-enhanced, (b) color-suppressed, and (c) non-factorizable color-suppressed mechanisms. Credit: T. J. Burns et al, Physical Review D (2022). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.106.054029University of Pittsburgh and Swansea University theorists have demonstrated that...

3 Scientists Share Nobel Prize In Physics For Work In Quantum Mechanics

Secretary General of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Hans Ellegren, centre, Eva Olsson, left and Thors Hans Hansson, members of the Nobel Committee for Physics announce the winner of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics, from left to right on the screen, Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser and Anton Zeilinger, during a press...

Physicists Generate New Nanoscale Spin Waves

Illustration of the experiment. Credit: Dreyer et al, Nature Communications (CC-BY-SA 4.0)Strong alternating magnetic fields can be utilized to generate a new kind of spin wave that was previously just theoretically anticipated. A team of physicists from Martin Luther College Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) achieved this for the first time. They report on their work in...

SU(N) Matter Is About Three Billion Times Colder Than Deep Space

An artist’s conception of the complex magnetic correlations physicists have observed with a groundbreaking quantum simulator at Kyoto University that uses ytterbium atoms about 3 billion times colder than deep space. Different colors represent the six possible spin states of each atom. The simulator uses up to 300,000 atoms, allowing physicists to directly observe...

Building a “Quantum Heat Pump” To Search For Elusive Dark Matter

Scientists have developed a heat pump that uses light particles on a quantum range. Scientists can currently measure radio frequency signals closer to the quantum limit. Professionals say this technique works in searching for dark matter, a component of the universe whose existence is discernible primarily by its gravitational attraction. 30.1 percent of the...