
New Discovery Reveals How Ancient Egyptians Built the Pyramids

The Giza pyramids on the outskirts of Cairo have always made people wonder: how were such incredible structures built with nothing but human and animal muscle for power?Credit: PixabayScientists have found that ancient Egyptians might have had help building the pyramids from a long-lost river, not aliens. Evidence of an uncharted branch of the...

The Mysterious Origins of the Word “Avocado”

Credit: CanvasAvocados are those tasty green fruits that give us the joy of guacamole. But did you ever wonder where the word "Avocado" comes from? There's a tweet that claims it has something to do with testicles, which got a lot of attention. But hold on, there's more to this story!Snopes, the fact-checking heroes,...

Rare Gray Whale Spotted After 200 Years

During the period of commercial whaling, this sea creature was nearly brought to extinction by hunting.Scientists have verified that a whale, extinct in the Atlantic Ocean for 200 years, has been sighted off the coast of New England. It's an exciting discovery, but it also highlights the impact of climate change on ocean creatures.Researchers...

Do You Know Who Invented Math?

Credit:Unsplash / Dan Cristian Pădureț.Carl Friedrich Gauss famously declared mathematics the "queen of the sciences." However, as history's renowned mathematician, he might have been slightly biased. Ask a physicist, and she might retort with the provocative analogy that "physics is to mathematics what sex is to masturbation."But regardless of whether mathematics wears the crown, it undoubtedly stands...

Ancient Aquifer Unearthed: Italy’s Monumental Fossil Water Reservoir

A finding of an extensive reservoir of 'fossil' water in Sicily could contribute to addressing the severe water scarcity issues in Southern Europe and Northern Africa.A recent publication in the journal Communications Earth & Environment unveiled the presence of an immense underground reservoir of freshwater beneath the Iblean Mountains in Sicily. This ancient aquifer,...

Down Goes Antimatter! Gravity’s Effect on Matter’s Elusive Twin is Revealed

Credit: The conversationIn a groundbreaking laboratory experiment, scientists have definitively determined the trajectory of individual antihydrogen atoms when dropped, concluding that antimatter falls downwards. This discovery confirms the gravitational attraction between antimatter and regular matter, eliminating the possibility of gravitational repulsion as an explanation for the scarcity of antimatter in the observable universe.Researchers from...

The Wonderful Black People Inventions

Black People's Inventions are the material Proof of their Knowledge and Identity. Many renowned inventions such as the light bulb, the cotton gin, and the iPhone are widely known. However, numerous other often underestimated creations significantly contribute to our daily convenience.African American inventors have played a crucial role in developing these devices, including the...

Online Reading and It´s Benefits

A young lady reading on her computer. Credit: Pexel.Convenience: Reading online allows you to access a vast array of materials from anywhere in the world at any time. No need to physical library or bookstore, you can read on your computer, tablet, or smartphone.Access to a wide variety of reading material: The internet...

Mummified Crocodiles Offer Insights Into Mummy-Making Over Time

Overview of the crocodiles during excavation. Credit: Patri Mora Riudavets, member of the Qubbat al-Hawā team, CC-BY 4.0 (creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)Crocodiles were mummified uniquely at the Egyptian site of Qubbat al-Hawā during the 5th Century BC, concerning to a study released January 18th, 2023, in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Bea De Cupere of the...

DNA Gathered From Slave Skeletons Buried in Unmarked 18th-Century Burial Grounds Reveals Their History

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainA group of scientists affiliated with numerous institutions in the united states, collaborating with members of The Anson Street African Cemetery Project, have found out some of the history behind some of the slaved buried in 18th century Charleston, South Carolina-- home to one of the busiest slave ports in American...