
Artificial Amber Preserves DNA for Long-Term Data Storage

DNA is a much denser data storage medium than anything humans can design, but it is fragile. Scientists have now mimicked nature by creating artificial amber to protect DNA for long-term data storage.A single gram of DNA can hold up to 215 petabytes (215 million GB) of data, making it possible to store the...

Breakthrough in Organoid Intelligence

Scientists are thinking about whether AI can use small lab-grown organs instead of computers to work better, by copying structures similar to brains. They call this Organoid Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence is getting a lot of attention as a big technological change right now. But Organoid Intelligence might push AI even more.Lab Tissue Organoids are artificial...

AI-Enhanced Catheter for Medication-Free UTI Prevention

Credit: Lamp Soul Studio/Getty ImagesA 3D-printed catheter creates a miniature obstacle course to thwart microbes, addressing widespread infections in hospital settings.Over 100 million people globally need a urinary catheter annually, which is crucial post-surgery. Yet, around one quarter in developing nations and about an eighth in the U.S. who use them may experience catheter-associated urinary...

Promising New Antibiotic Targets Drug-Resistant Bacteria

The medication fights against carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii, a challenging human pathogen that eludes the majority of antibiotics. Credit: Unsplash.An antibiotic belonging to a novel class of drugs has recently been uncovered, offering potential effectiveness against a major bacterial threat to human health. The antibiotic, named zosurabalpin, has exhibited promising results in laboratory experiments and...

Scientists Unite Quantum Biology & AI for Gene Editing Accuracy

Credit: Mimi HammadORNL scientists used quantum biology, AI, and bioengineering to improve CRISPR Cas9 genome editing for microbes, boosting renewable fuel and chemical production.CRISPR is a powerful bioengineering tool, that alters genetic code for improved organism performance or mutation correction. CRISPR Cas9 targets and cleaves specific genome sites using a single guide RNA. Previous...

Bioactive Ingredients a Quite New Concept

Credit: UnsplashBiotechnology has the potential to revolutionize the cosmetics industry in various ways, offering innovative solutions and addressing consumer demands for more effective, sustainable, and personalized products and yes, bring most extinted plants back to life.Bioactive IngredientsBiotechnology allows for the production of bioactive ingredients with higher efficacy. This includes bioengineered peptides, enzymes, and proteins...

Improving AI Intuition in the Discovery of New Medicines

Overall schematic of the main idea behind the study. Molecules compete based on chemist feedback, forming an implicit score model through neural network training. This model assigns scores to molecules, enabling their use in cheminformatics applications. Credit: Nature Communications (2023). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-42242-1A collaborative effort between biomedical researchers at Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research and Microsoft Research...

Breaking Down Breast Cancer: Targeting PTPRD with Antibodies

Developed through collaboration between graduate student Zhe Qian and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory's Antibody & Phage Display Shared Resource, the synthetic antibody RD-43 shows potential in halting the progression of breast cancer by degrading the PTPRD enzyme. Image credit: Tonks lab/Cold Spring Harbor LaboratoryAn enzyme that may help some breast cancers spread can be...

A Molecular-Based, Finite-State Device

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainA little group of scientists at the College of Manchester has created a method for producing a molecular based, finite-state device. Their research study was released in the journal Nature.In computer science, there is a virtual tool referred to as a Turing machine, established by Alan Turing as a means to...

An Automatically Adjusting Exoskeleton that Adapts to Your Way of Walking

A close-up of the untethered exoskeleton. Credit: Stanford University.A new robotic, boot-like exoskeleton utilizes wearable sensors to adapt to each individual that wears it, marking a considerable progression for robotics. The device, explained in a study released yesterday, helps address one of the major obstacles in developing systems that aid people to walk:...