Disney Infuses Robot Movements with Beauty and Character

Disney Infuses Robot Movements with Beauty and Character

Disney Research Hub has different priorities compared to other robot developers; its robots must move efficiently and effectively, but also with a lot of style and personality. This adorable biped, inspired by the BD-1 droid, exemplifies this approach.
Disney’s bipedal Star Wars robots move with personality at the core of their being
Disney Research

Disney Research Hub has different priorities compared to other robot developers; its robots must move efficiently and effectively, but also with a lot of style and personality. This adorable biped, inspired by the BD-1 droid, exemplifies this approach.

For those unfamiliar, BD-1 first appeared in the 2019 video game Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order.

A Curious and Plucky Companion

This bird-like biped, similar to many robots in Star Wars, is a curious, plucky, and brave little character that communicates primarily through R2D2-like beeps and boops. Often riding on the main character’s shoulder, BD-1 serves as a constant, helpful, and cheerful companion.

It was also highly expressive, able to convey a lot through its body language, and this posed a significant challenge for Disney’s roboticists as they worked on bringing the little droid to life.

Walks like a bird, but definitely behaves like a dog when it suits him!
Disney Research

Disney’s Blend of Expression and Function

As we discussed back in October 2023, the Disney Research team developed a new type of motion control system for this little guy. They combined expressive animations with practical robotic considerations like balance and control commands to achieve both functionality and style.

This effort isn’t just for entertainment; Disney believes that its decades of expertise in animated motion make it a leading authority on how various machines should move to convey different character traits. These range from the inquisitive, happy-go-lucky excitement embodied by BD-1 to the commanding physical presence of Darth Vader, to the graceful movements of Snow White.

By designing a robotic motion system where function and form share equal priority, Disney aims to create robots that can operate naturally around people, building trust and connection solely through body language.

In a new video released a few days ago, the Disney Research team showcases the current state and capabilities of the BD-1 lookalike robot. The video also demonstrates the remote control system, which allows the robot’s movements to be controlled while simultaneously puppeteering its expressive capabilities on the fly.

Design and Control of a Bipedal Robotic Character

Disney’s Refreshing Approach to Robotics

However, it’s impressive how seamlessly the robot combines artistic intent with the practicalities of bipedal motion, and how beautifully the little character is embodied in these real-world robots. It’s certainly a refreshing change from the relentless, rigid pragmatism of most cutting-edge general-purpose robots we’ve seen in recent years. Disney could be on its way to creating incredibly compelling machines that will tug at human heartstrings like nothing else on the market.

The new video notably shows the robot’s ability to maintain its ‘personality’ while navigating uneven and chaotic surfaces – which is fortunate, as it doesn’t seem capable of getting back up if it falls. Toward the end, we see demonstration performances, including interactions with humans, and it’s hard not to feel a bit of affection for the robot.

Personality is at the core of all this BD-1 style robot’s motions
Disney Research

Disney has yet to reveal its plans for these robots, but they are certainly some of the most impressive animatronic devices we’ve seen to date. We could easily imagine them appearing in a live-action Star Wars show or movie. They would also be incredibly popular with Disneyland visitors if they can withstand the rigors of interacting with crowds for extended periods.

To conclude, more importantly, Disney has successfully translated its animation expertise into the real world, bringing beauty to movement without sacrificing function and practicality. We are excited to see how far this concept might evolve in the coming years.

Read the original article on: New Atlas

Read more: Robotic Faces Covered with Living Human Skin

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