EPFL Engineers Demonstrate Path to Net-Zero Emissions in Crucial Industrial Sectors

EPFL Engineers Demonstrate Path to Net-Zero Emissions in Crucial Industrial Sectors

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Engineers at EPFL in Sion, Switzerland, have made significant strides in addressing carbon emissions from essential industrial sectors. Integrating carbon capture and mineralization directly within industries has showcased the potential for achieving net-zero and net-negative emissions.

This research, carried out by the Laboratory of Industrial Process and Energy Systems Engineering (IPESE), focuses on key sectors like cement production, steel manufacturing, and waste incineration, offering a cost-effective and energy-efficient approach to combat CO2 emissions and contributing to global climate targets.

Direct carbonation system boundaries. Mineral ores refer to naturally-occurring and exploitable magnesium and calcium sources (serpentine, wollastonite and olivine). Alkali waste treatment depends on the feedstock source with magnetic separation and heat pre-treatment being optional. Credit: Energy & Environmental Science (2023). DOI: 10.1039/D3EE01803B

Carbon Capture and Mineralization for Carbon Neutrality

With the urgent need to tackle carbon emissions from factories and industrial facilities, the IPESE research introduces a groundbreaking solution that integrates CO2 capture and mineralization within the production process.

The formed carbonates provide a secure and long-term storage solution for CO2, effectively removing it from the atmosphere. The mineralized carbon can also serve as a building material, promoting a circular economy and reducing the extraction of new materials.

A Crucial Role for Industrial Sectors: Professor François Marechal, head of IPESE, highlights the significance of CO2 capturing for key industrial sectors in achieving carbon neutrality. The study emphasizes the importance of process integration to lower capture and sequestration costs. By attaining the ultimate oxidation state for carbon through mineralization, the research ensures safe and long-term sequestration while eliminating the need for deep geological locations for storage.

Economic and Environmental Benefits

EPFL’s research, led by Ph.D. student Rafael Castro-Amoedo, adopts a systems engineering approach to integrate capture and mineralization directly within industrial sectors, using their waste heat, alkaline solid residues, and process emissions. The cost analysis shows up to 50% economic benefits over deploying capture and storage separately, demonstrating the importance of process system integration. 

Environmentally, this methodology could reduce 860 million tons of CO2 and save 535 billion EUR compared to the overall social costs of inaction, amounting to approximately 130 EUR per year for each European citizen.

The Road to Implementation

The successful implementation of this transformative solution would require retrofitting efforts across industries. The research proposes a six-year timeline to retrofit existing facilities and fully integrate the carbon capture and mineralization technology. This gradual transition allows industries to move towards a more sustainable and climate-friendly future.

A Pioneering Step Towards Net-Zero

Published in the journal Energy and Environmental Science, the research marks a significant step towards achieving net-zero and net-negative emissions in industrial sectors. This innovative approach offers a cost-effective, energy-efficient, and environmentally sound solution by capturing CO2 directly from factories, utilizing waste residues, and integrating external minerals.

The economic benefits and potential cost savings associated with the integrated carbon capture and mineralization solution present a compelling case for increased policy measures and carbon pricing reform. With continued support and collaboration, this research has the potential to revolutionize industrial practices, mitigate climate change, and pave the way for a sustainable future.

Read the original article on Tech Xplore.

Read more: Neuralink, Mind Control or Advanced Technology.

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