ESA’s Plan to Remove Space Debris Needs Global Collaboration

ESA’s Plan to Remove Space Debris Needs Global Collaboration

The issue of space debris has been growing for years, exacerbated by the continuous launch of rockets and payloads. In recent years, organizations, particularly the European Space Agency (ESA), have begun to take the issue more seriously. Now, they are asking: How can we achieve zero space debris?
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The issue of space debris has been growing for years, exacerbated by the continuous launch of rockets and payloads. In recent years, organizations, particularly the European Space Agency (ESA), have begun to take the issue more seriously. Now, they are asking: How can we achieve zero space debris?

The Scale and Danger of Space Debris

This may seem unrealistic at first. There are billions of debris pieces orbiting Earth, with more than 25,000 larger than 10 cm. Despite their size, these objects move at high speeds and pose significant risks to satellites and space stations. So, what would it take to eliminate all this debris?

ESA’s Zero Debris Technical Booklet outlines the challenges and potential solutions for reaching this goal. It follows the signing of the Zero Debris Charter by members of the Zero-Debris community. The report emphasizes that more ambitious actions are needed to prevent, mitigate, and remove space debris, urging all space stakeholders to collaborate.

The booklet highlights how space access is hindered by debris, as outlined by the United Nations’ Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space. It defines clear zero-debris targets and presents solutions to achieve them.

This image shows the Tethered Satellite System (TSS). The tether generated electricity as it moved through Earth’s magnetic field and the electricity could be used to adjust the satellite’s orbit without the need for other propulsion. (NASA Johnson Space Center (NASA-JSC), Public Domain)

Preventing New Debris Creation

The first priority is stopping the creation of more debris. This includes preventing unintentional debris release caused by material degradation or impacts during missions. The development of better insulation and impact-resistant materials, along with improved monitoring and testing, can help mitigate this issue.

The booklet also advocates for new propulsion technologies. Some current systems release small particles that contribute to debris. Alternatives like electromagnetic tethers and solar radiation pressure devices are suggested to reduce this risk.

Improved space traffic surveillance and coordination (STC) can also help prevent collisions, reducing unnecessary collision-avoidance maneuvers. However, this requires better communication and standardized guidelines between space agencies, which may be challenging.

The CanX-7 with its sails deployed in a clean room. (Space Flight Laboratory)

The Need for Space Debris Removal

When it comes to existing debris, removal is essential. The booklet proposes assessing defunct satellites to determine the safest way to de-orbit them. The removal process requires reliable, configurable methods, such as deploying solar sails or using active debris removal (ADR) technologies like Clearspace-1, which aims to capture and de-orbit the PROBA-1 satellite.

The challenge also involves predicting and avoiding collisions. With the rising debris, space operators must take steps to avoid collisions, and coordination is crucial. The booklet suggests that machine learning algorithms, optical tracking aids, and better collision risk assessments could assist in this area.

The Need for Standardized Risk Management

The main takeaway is that tackling space debris demands standardized methods for assessing and managing risks. While the necessary technologies are not yet fully developed, they will come. The key challenge is cooperation.

Without collaboration between space agencies, solving the debris problem will be impossible. Unfortunately, political differences, competition, and some nations’ actions—like anti-satellite tests—have created additional debris, complicating efforts. Despite this, as with climate change, cooperation remains the only path to a sustainable solution for space debris.

Read the original article on: Science Alert

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