EV Batteries are an Unexpected Source of Forever Chemical Pollution

EV Batteries are an Unexpected Source of Forever Chemical Pollution

Scientists have discovered a new source of dangerous "forever chemical" pollution in the rechargeable lithium-ion batteries used in most electric vehicles.
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Scientists have discovered a new source of dangerous “forever chemical” pollution in the rechargeable lithium-ion batteries used in most electric vehicles.

Certain lithium-ion battery technologies incorporate PFAS chemicals (per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances) to reduce flammability and improve electrical conductivity.

According to a peer-reviewed study in the journal Nature Communications, scientists have found high levels of PFAS in air, water, snow, soil, and sediment samples near plants producing these chemicals in the US, Belgium, and France.

PFAS, known as “forever chemicals,” accumulate rapidly in the environment, humans, and animals and can persist for thousands of years. They have been linked to numerous health issues, including liver damage, high cholesterol, low birth weights, and chronic kidney disease.

New Trade-Offs in the Shift to Cleaner Cars and Renewable Energy

Switching to cleaner cars and renewable energy is essential for addressing the climate crisis, but it introduces new trade-offs that researchers are still exploring.

The mining of lithium and other minerals for batteries, solar panels, wind turbines, and other technologies has well-documented environmental and health impacts. However, researchers are only now identifying lithium-ion batteries as a source of PFAS pollution.

Reducing CO2 emissions with innovations like electric cars is crucial, but it shouldn’t lead to increased PFAS pollution,” stated Jennifer Guelfo, an associate professor of environmental engineering at Texas Tech University and coauthor of the study.

The widespread use of lithium-ion batteries worldwide has prompted global concern.

Recent detections have found the same class of PFAS at low levels in water in Europe and China, although the exact source of pollution was previously unclear.

The specific class of PFAS identified by Guelfo’s team is called bis-perfluoroalkyl sulfonimides, or bis-FASIs. Scientists tested over a dozen lithium-ion batteries used in EVs and consumer electronics like laptops and found bis-FASIs at various concentrations.

Challenges in Assessing Chemical Widespreadness

Lee Ferguson, associate professor of environmental engineering at Duke University and coauthor of the study, noted that it’s difficult to determine how widespread these chemicals are in lithium-ion batteries due to the lack of sufficient research.

Guelfo compared bis-FASIs to “older notorious” chemicals like PFOA, highlighting their extreme resistance to degradation and their impact on the behavior of aquatic organisms even at low concentrations. Although PFOA has been phased out in the US, it still contaminates drinking water.

The study was the first comprehensive “cradle-to-grave” evaluation of the environmental impacts of bis-FASI use in lithium-ion batteries. The effects of bis-FASIs on humans have not yet been studied.

The scientists detected bis-FASIs at parts per billion levels, which are much higher than the limits set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for PFAS in drinking water in April. The study noted that strategies for removing PFAS from drinking water can also eliminate bis-FASIs and should become more widely adopted due to EPA regulations. However, chemical manufacturers and some water utilities have challenged the agency’s regulations in court.

Alternate Exposure Routes for bis-FASIs

There are additional exposure routes to bis-FASIs. These chemicals can travel far from manufacturing sites through air emissions and leach into the environment from landfills, where most lithium-ion batteries end up.

The study emphasized that merely 5 percent of lithium-ion batteries undergo recycling, with projections indicating approximately 8 million tons of battery waste by 2040.

Guelfo stressed the need for better battery technologies and recycling solutions to avoid worsening PFAS pollution.

We need to evaluate the chemicals used in sustainable energy now before they become a widespread problem,” Guelfo said. “We have an opportunity to maximize sustainability.”

Companies like 3M, Solvay, and Arkema hold patents or advertise the use of bis-FASIs. The research focused on areas near their plants in Minnesota, Kentucky, Antwerp (Belgium), and Salindres (France).

3M, which has produced PFAS for decades, agreed last year to a $10 billion settlement with US cities and towns over drinking water contamination claims. 3M plans to exit all PFAS manufacturing by the end of 2025.

To conclude, the company’s settlement came after Chemours, DuPont, and Corteva agreed to pay $1.19 billion to resolve thousands of lawsuits.

Read the original article on: Science Alert

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