Eye-Safe Laser Allows Speedy On-site Concussion Diagnosis

Eye-Safe Laser Allows Speedy On-site Concussion Diagnosis

The eyes serve as more than just a glimpse into the soul; they now offer a means to identify traumatic brain injury, courtesy of University of Birmingham researchers. They have created a non-invasive, handheld device that uses a safe laser to illuminate the eye and identify biomarkers indicating brain tissue damage resulting from a concussion or other traumatic brain injury. This device holds the potential for on-site use at the time of injury, facilitating early diagnosis crucial for enhancing outcomes.
Researchers have developed a handheld eye-safe laser that can rapidly diagnose concussion on-site. Credit: Depositphotos

The eyes serve as more than just a glimpse into the soul; they now offer a means to identify traumatic brain injury, courtesy of University of Birmingham researchers. They have created a non-invasive, handheld device that uses a safe laser to illuminate the eye and identify biomarkers indicating brain tissue damage resulting from a concussion or other traumatic brain injury. This device holds the potential for on-site use at the time of injury, facilitating early diagnosis crucial for enhancing outcomes.

A forceful impact to the head or body can lead to traumatic brain injury (TBI), with damage ranging from mild to severe. Concussion, a specific type of TBI, is frequently observed in contact sports. While TBI injuries typically manifest right after the initial trauma, individuals often exhibit minimal clinical symptoms in the early stages, posing challenges for immediate diagnosis. The diagnostic tools available, such as MRI and CT scans, are both costly and slow to provide results.

Timely identification of TBI is crucial, as pivotal decisions regarding treatment need to be taken within the initial ‘golden hour’ following the injury,” explained Pola Goldberg Oppenheimer, the study’s corresponding author. “Yet, the current diagnostic process depends on observations by ambulance crews and subsequent MRI or CT scans at a potentially distant hospital.”

Innovative Approach to Early TBI Diagnosis

Recognizing the imperative to create innovative solutions for early TBI diagnosis, the researchers designed a non-invasive handheld device. This device utilizes an eye-safe laser to swiftly identify established biomarkers of brain injury.

The device developed by the researchers utilizes an eye-safe laser called EyeD, based on Raman spectroscopy, to target specific protein and lipid biomarkers generated by local brain tissue damage. Positioned at the back of the eye are the retina and the optic nerve, which acts as a transparent window into the brain’s biochemistry.

Raman spectrometry, a precise analytical technique, offers real-time, quantitative diagnostic information by measuring subtle molecular responses to scattered light, accurately identifying changes in disease-specific biomarkers. Previous studies have demonstrated the technology’s ability to accurately detect variations in animal brains and eye tissues with varying degrees of brain injuries, capturing even the slightest changes.

Rigorous Testing and Advanced Integration Propel EyeD’s Diagnostic Capabilities

The researchers assessed the EyeD, equipped with a smartphone camera, on a ‘phantom eye,’ simulating a real eye commonly used in retinal imaging development and evaluation. This ensured proper alignment and the ability to focus on the back of the eye. Subsequently, the device was tested on pig’s eyes, successfully distinguishing between TBI and healthy controls. The integration of the self-optimizing Kohonen index network (SKiNET), a neural network algorithm, into the EyeD facilitated automated data interpretation without the need for specialist support, significantly enhancing the speed and cost-effectiveness of diagnosis.

EyeD concept (A) and device use with a phantom eye (B). Lab prototype (C) and a mock-up of the handheld EyeD (D), which incorporates a disposable eye guard and SKiNET software for rapid, automated data classification and diagnosis
Banbury et al./University of Birmingham

The researchers emphasize that incorporating a smartphone camera into the device will enhance its usability.

Systems based on smartphone cameras are user-friendly and, when supported by AI diagnostics, yield results upon obtaining a sufficient signal,” note the researchers. “The widespread use of smartphones for image acquisition ensures high user acceptance.”

While future studies will assess the reliance of paramedics and clinicians on the device for decision-making, the researchers envision integrating EyeD into existing practices.

The EyeD readout would become part of a structured decision-making process, such as: a normal EyeD result combined with no ‘red flag’ symptoms or signs would classify the head injury as mild TBI, not requiring hospital assessment. Conversely, an abnormal EyeD result would necessitate additional evaluation in the emergency department,” state the researchers.

The proof-of-concept device is prepared for further evaluation, including studies on clinical feasibility and efficacy.

Read the original article on: New Atlas

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