Far-Flung Forces Caused the 2021 Pacific Northwest Heat Wave, State scientists

An extreme heat wave struck the Pacific Northwest in June 2021. Temperature levels soared above 40°C (104°F) across Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia, sometimes also approaching 50°C (122°F). Professionals estimate that at least several hundred individuals passed away because of this.
In a current paper published in Earth’s Future, Schumacher and associates identified earthly elements that caused the heat wave.
The researchers teased apart potential causes utilizing the Community Earth System Model, an atmospheric model created by the National Center for Atmospheric Study and made freely available for the climate community to utilize.
The scientists discovered that the heat wave began hundreds of kilometers away from the Pacific Northwest in the northern Pacific Ocean. Above the open sea, great humidity charged potential energy in the air. This amped-up air traveled thousands of kilometres on air streams called as “conveyor belts” to reach western North America.
From there, it spiraled down towards the ground, where the potential energy converted into warm. This hot air went on to spread both vertically and also horizontally. The vertical spread funneled additional warm down from higher in the atmosphere. Also, the horizontal spread brought dangerously great temperatures to a broad geographical area.
Extremely low soil moisture also contributed to the warm wave, the authors say. Wet soils buffer severe heat, and had the land conditions been moister, temperature levels may have been 5°C cooler.
As bad as the heat wave was, the scientists say it still might have been worse. The soil could have been also drier, the area upwind would have been warmer, and also the air above the Pacific Ocean could have been moister. As the world warms in the future, the authors expect these trends to bear out.
Read the original article on PHYS.
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