Feeling Sleepy? Research Identifies the Best Dosage and Timing for Melatonin

Melatonin is a well-known supplement for individuals who have difficulty achieving restful sleep. However, determining the right dosage and the ideal time to take it has often involved trial and error. A recent study addresses this uncertainty.
The Role of Melatonin in Sleep Regulation and the Impact of Digital Devices
When melatonin levels increase in our brain, it induces a feeling of relaxation by interacting with receptors that help prepare us for restful sleep. However, our bodies produce only tiny amounts of this hormone, prompting many to turn to over-the-counter supplements to alleviate sleep issues.
These difficulties are often exacerbated by the light emitted from digital devices, which has been shown to disrupt our natural melatonin cycles.
To address these questions, a team of researchers from Italy, Sweden, and the UK came together to review the current scientific literature on the effectiveness of melatonin supplementation.
“Our study represents the first systematic effort to determine the optimal dosage and timing of exogenous melatonin to enhance its sleep-promoting effects,” the researchers stated in a paper published in the Journal of Pineal Research. “Additionally, our findings are based on randomized placebo-controlled trials, which are the most rigorous experimental design in medical research, lending significant credibility to our conclusions.”
In their analysis, the researchers examined a total of 1,689 observations from studies conducted between 1987 and 2020.
Optimizing Melatonin Dosage and Timing for Better Sleep
They found that taking 4 mg of melatonin three hours before bedtime maximized the hormone’s sleep-inducing effects, which differs from the current clinical guideline of taking 2 mg 30 minutes before the desired sleep time.
Although there are few definitive studies on the overall effectiveness of melatonin, considerable anecdotal evidence in the scientific literature suggests that melatonin supplementation can be beneficial for some individuals while showing little improvement over a placebo for others.
One study even indicated that melatonin supplementation significantly enhanced overall sleep quality. Given that most experts agree that short-term use of melatonin is safe, trying a 4-mg dose three hours before bedtime seems worthwhile, especially in light of the findings from the new study.
Read the original article on: New Atlas
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