Group of Physicists Indicates LIGO Could be Utilized to Detect Giant Alien Spacecraft

A team of physicists affiliated with many institutions in the united state has collaborated on a paper that discusses the possibility of utilizing the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) to search for proof of aliens piloting giant spacecraft around the Milky Way. They team has posted their paper on the arXiv preprint server.
Over the past several years, astrophysicists and sci-fi enthusiasts alike have grown increasingly frustrated with humankind’s inability to detect the existence of life anywhere in the universe other than planet Earth. Researchers have noted that based on the billions of planets that have been discovered in habitable zones around the universe, and the fact that life does exist in one area on Earth, there should be life somewhere else, too.
The problem, currently referred to as the Fermi paradox, is that scientists have yet to discover also the smallest shred of evidence for it. Prominent scientists have increasingly begun calling for recent and more exotic ways to search.
Scientists’ findings after using LIGO
In this new effort, the scientists note that science has advanced to the point that gravity waves can be spotted by technology such as LIGO. They further recommend that it is not beyond the realm of probability that aliens piloting spacecraft might leave gravity waves in their wake that could be spotted here on Earth using such technology.
Intrigued by their own idea, the scientists imagined the factors that may be involved for such a scenario to unfold. Initially, they factored the size of such a craft. They discovered it would have to be really big to generate gravity waves strong sufficient to reach Earth— perhaps the size of Jupiter.
It should also have to be moving really quickly– their calculations showed roughly 1/10 the speed of light. And it would have to be reasonably close– state about 326,000 light-years from Earth. They noticed that if they were to arise under such conditions, scientists at LIGO should be able to detect the gravity waves produced.
The researchers likewise note that if aliens are utilizing warp drives, scientists on Earth should be able to find them, too, using the same technology because such a craft would likewise generate gravity waves.
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