Heaviest Clumps of Antimatter Ever Created in Particle Collider

Heaviest Clumps of Antimatter Ever Created in Particle Collider

Physicists have achieved a significant milestone by producing the heaviest antimatter clumps ever recorded. These clumps, known as antihyperhydrogen-4, could provide insights into some of physics' most complex questions.
An illustration of the newly discovered antimatter nucleus, antihyperhydrogen-4
Institute of Modern Physics, China

Physicists have achieved a significant milestone by producing the heaviest antimatter clumps ever recorded. These clumps, known as antihyperhydrogen-4, could provide insights into some of physics’ most complex questions.

Understanding Antimatter

Antimatter consists of particles with the same mass as regular matter but with opposite charges. While this might sound mundane, the interaction between matter and antimatter—leading to annihilation and a release of energy—holds the potential for revolutionary applications, from highly efficient spacecraft propulsion to powerful weapons.

Advancements in Antimatter Nuclei

Every particle has a corresponding antiparticle, which theoretically should combine to form larger antiatoms. While antihydrogen and antihelium have been produced, the concept extends to a complete anti-periodic table.

Recently, scientists have synthesized the most massive antimatter nucleus to date: antihyperhydrogen-4. This nucleus includes an antiproton, two antineutrons, and an antihyperon. Hyperons are less common than protons and neutrons but are essentially heavier versions of neutrons.

Creation and Detection Challenges

These antinuclei were created at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), which simulates early universe conditions by colliding heavy elements and generating a variety of particles, including antimatter. Although only 16 antihyperhydrogen-4 nuclei were detected among billions of particles, their creation represents a rare event.

Lijuan Ruan, a co-spokesperson for the project, noted that detecting these nuclei is challenging due to their extremely brief existence—about one-tenth of a nanosecond. Instead, researchers track the decay particles to reconstruct the formation of these antinuclei.

The STAR particle detector, overlaid with an image of the kind of particle tracks it detects
Joe Rubino and Jen Abramowitz/Brookhaven National Laboratory

Implications and Future Research

The team found that the lifetime of antihyperhydrogen-4 matches that of hyperhydrogen-4, as expected. This consistency suggests that matter and antimatter of the same elements should only differ in charge, though potential differences could indicate phenomena beyond the Standard Model.

Studying antimatter could help resolve one of the fundamental mysteries of physics: why the universe is dominated by matter. Theoretical models predict equal amounts of matter and antimatter should have been created in the Big Bang, but the observed universe is predominantly matter. Investigating potential discrepancies between matter and antimatter may reveal why. Future research will focus on comparing the masses of these particles and their antiparticles.

Read the original article on: New Atlas

Read more: Down Goes Antimatter! Gravity’s Effect on Matter’s Elusive Twin is Revealed

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