How Eyeless Centipedes Can Detect Sunlight

How Eyeless Centipedes Can Detect Sunlight

Centipedes (Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans) can thermally detect sunlight without eyes or known photoreceptors. Credit: Shilong Yang
Centipedes (Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans) can thermally detect sunlight without eyes or known photoreceptors. Credit: Shilong Yang

A group of forestry professionals at Northeast Forestry College, working with two associates from Zhejiang University School of Medication, has uncovered how the Chinese red-headed centipede can detect sunlight despite having no eyes or even photoreceptors.

In their paper released in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the team explains testing the myriapods under different scenarios to discover how they sense sunlight.

Venomous Chinese red-headed centipedes have long, black segmented bodies, yellow legs, and also a vast, eyeless head with long antennae and a mouth capable of attacking and injecting venom into the victim, predators as well as human beings that happen to step on them.

Prior study has revealed that the centipede actively prevents sunlight. However, it is unknown whether this is to avoid predators or prevent overheating. Previous research has additionally shown that along with having no eyes, the pencil-size insects likewise have no photoreceptors, raising the question of how they understand when the sun is shining on them.

To learn, the scientists carried out experiments that included placing specimens in clear containers, some of that were covered with black tape. They after that studied how the centipedes moved when exposed to differing amounts of light. They likewise utilized thermal cameras to record modifications in body temperature during sunshine exposure. They discovered that the temperature of the antennae rose nearly immediately when exposed to sunlight and did so rapidly. Readings revealed temperature increases of up to 9 ° C within seconds.

Movie of light/dark preference testing. The antennae of a centipede were covered with tinfoil. Credit: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2023). DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2218948120

To validate that the antennae were alerting the centipedes to sunlight, the scientists covered the curly red, segmented structures of numerous specimens and then retested the insects to see how they responded to sudden bursts of light. The covering made the animals far less averse to sunlight.

The researchers, after that, took a closer look at the antennae to discover how they were functioning as sunlight heat sensors and discovered thermal receptors called BRTNaC1, which served as ion channels. They were triggered by temperature increases.

Read the original article on PHYS.

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  • cumbonguala


    February 15, 2023 at 10:43 am

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