ISPTEC Students Win the 6th Angolan Collegiate Programming Contest

International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC)
The International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC), sponsored by the ICPC Foundation, held by the Angolan Collegiate Program Contest (AoCPC) last week at one of Angola’s top institutes for superior education ISPTEC, from Thursday to Friday.
The Africa and Arab Collegiate Programming Championship (ACPC) serves as a qualifying round for the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC). The winners of the ACPC contest qualify for the ICPC World Finals.
The first Arab Collegiate Programming Contest (then called The Arab & North Africa Regional Contest (ANARC)) was hosted by Al Akhawayn University in 1998 thanks to the efforts of Mr. Sidi Ali Maelainin, then Associate Director for Development at Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, Morocco. Eight Universities from four countries participated in this first competition.
AOCPC – Programming for the country to improve
The programming teams of ISPTEC students named “Bad B”, “Candy Crush Overflow” and “Codelyoko” won the first, second and third places, respectively, in the 6th Edition of the Angolan Collegiate Programming Contest (AOCPC). The fourth place went to the INSTIC programming team, named “One Last Time”.
The novelty in this year’s edition was the creation of the high school students category. The team called “The Winners” of the SmartBits Polytechnic Institute won 1st place.
The event took place in the ISPTEC multi-sports pavilion on the 13th and 14th of October. 40 teams of university students and 6 teams of invited secondary school students participated in this event. Three students and a coach represented each team.
During five hours of intense programming, 32 teams of students competed to solve a series of programming problems of increasing difficulty based on real-world situations. The teams had only five hours to solve eight to twelve problems using a single computer. And what about the programming langued? More enthusiastic people may ask, the teams could freely choose between C, C++, or JAVA.
ISPTEC dominates the podium of the 6th Angolan Collegiate Programming Contest (AOCPC)
The “BAD B” team (ISPTEC) solved 6 of 12 exercises with high levels of complexity, evaluated by international juries and was crowned the grand champion of the 6th AOCPC. The 2nd and 3rd were also won by ISPTEC, by the “Candy Crush Overflow” and “Codelyoko teams” respectively.
For this year in particular, with the support of the Staff Office of the President of the Angolan Republic, it will be possible to take the third runner-up (INSTIC-Universidade de Luanda) to the African competition.
The winners will represent Angola in the African Collegiate Programming Contest. This contest will take place in Egypt, in the first half of December.
The Secretary of State for Higher Education, Dr. Eugênio da Silva, on behalf of the Minister, opened the event. On the last day, the Director of the Staff Office of the President of the Republic, Dr. Edson Barretto, announced the end of the event.
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