Hier Efficiency Electricity Distribution Made Possible By New Insulation Material

Hier Efficiency Electricity Distribution Made Possible By New Insulation Material

The new material is based on polyethylene, which is used for insulation in existing HVDC cables. Now, by adding very small amounts – 5 parts per million – of the conjugated polymer known as poly(3-hexylthiophene), the researchers were able to lower the electrical conductivity by up to three times. Credit: Yen Strandqvist/Chalmers University of Technology

Efficient long-distance transmission of electricity is crucial for transitioning to a world powered by renewable resources. Researchers from Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden have introduced a new insulation material that is approximately three times less conductive, offering significant improvements to the performance and construction of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) cables.

In fact, HVDC cables play a vital role in delivering electricity over long distances, as renewable energy sources are often located far from cities. However these cables, with an insulation layer, can be buried underground or laid on the seabed, enabling extensive network expansion. Projects like NordLink in Europe are connecting different regions using HVDC cables. However, as the voltage level increases to minimize transmission losses, the insulation of HVDC cables is negatively affected.

HVDC cables

To address this challenge, the researchers have developed a unique approach to reduce the conductivity of the insulation material. By adding a small amount (5 parts per million) of a conjugated polymer called poly(3-hexylthiophene) or P3HT to polyethylene, which is commonly used for insulation in HVDC cables, the electrical conductivity was reduced by approximately three times. This additive offers new possibilities for manufacturers compared to other compounds that require significantly higher quantities.

To conclude, the researchers believe that their discovery could open up new applications and avenues for research in the field of advanced electrical properties of plastics. By maximizing the potential of plastics for energy transport and storage applications, they hope to inspire further exploration and advancements in this area.

Originally published by scitechdaily.com

Reference: “Repurposing Poly(3-hexylthiophene) as a Conductivity-Reducing Additive for Polyethylene-Based High-Voltage Insulation” by Amir Masoud Pourrahimi, Sarath Kumara, Fabrizio Palmieri, Liyang Yu, Anja Lund, Thomas Hammarström, Per-Ola Hagstrand, Ivan G. Scheblykin, Davide Fabiani, Xiangdong Xu and Christian Müller, 28 May 2021, Advanced Materials.
DOI: 10.1002/adma.202100714

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