New Method Cuts Costs by 30% in Converting CO2 to High-Value Chemicals

New Method Cuts Costs by 30% in Converting CO2 to High-Value Chemicals

NUS team creates nickel-based catalyst (far left) for efficient direct conversion of flue gas CO2 into multi-carbon products. Credit: National University of Singapore
NUS team creates nickel-based catalyst (far left) for efficient direct conversion of flue gas CO2 into multi-carbon products. Credit: National University of Singapore

NUS researchers, led by Assistant Professor Lum Yanwei, have developed a groundbreaking technique to address rising CO2 emissions and their impact on climate change. Their method greatly improves the conversion of waste CO2 into valuable chemicals and fuels, directly from treated industrial flue gas. This innovation turns CO2 into key raw materials like ethylene and ethanol, vital for everyday products such as plastics and detergents, offering a sustainable method to repurpose waste and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

By circumventing the need for high-purity carbon dioxide, the NUS research marks a substantial advancement in addressing the carbon cycle. “This breakthrough not only helps reduce CO2 emissions but also advances carbon utilization. By turning waste carbon dioxide into valuable resources, the research supports global efforts to combat climate change and promote sustainability.”

Combining Catalyst Design with the Choice of Electrolyte

CCUS technologies, including electrochemical CO2 reduction, are crucial for sustainability. Traditionally, this method demands high-purity CO2, incurring costs for purification from sources like flue gases, while oxygen impurities impair efficiency.

Assistant Professor Lum’s team addressed these challenges by integrating catalyst design with electrolyte selection. Their study, published in “Nature Communications on February 26, 2024,” introduced an innovative method for designing efficient catalysts for CO2 electrochemical conversion. Utilizing this approach, they developed a nickel catalyst with remarkable performance, achieving an efficiency rate exceeding 99%.

The NUS team’s research focuses on enhancing carbon dioxide conversion efficiency. Published in Nature Communications on February 26, 2024, the team introduced an innovative method for designing efficient CO2 conversion catalysts. Their subsequent work, detailed in the same journal on February 9, 2024, effectively suppressed undesired side reactions, promising cost-effective CO2 conversion. Assistant Professor Lum highlighted the “economic potential, envisioning efficient electrolyzers for direct CO2 conversion in flue gas, advancing sustainability.”

Expanding to Accommodate Widespread Use

The research holds promise beyond ethylene and ethanol production, as the catalyst system can be tailored to synthesize various valuable chemicals like acetate and propanol, essential for products like adhesives and disinfectants. This adaptability underscores the technique’s potential to address diverse industrial demands, offering a versatile platform for converting waste carbon dioxide.

Assistant Professor Lum highlighted “industry interest, with ongoing discussions to advance the research further.” The aim is to enhance energy efficiency and scalability, transitioning from lab-scale experiments to developing prototype reactors suitable for industrial application.

Read the Original Article on: Phys.Org

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