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Our electrical supply depends heavily on high-voltage direct current cables that can efficiently transfer electricity across great distances. Therefore, improving their performance is a significant challenge. Researchers from the Technology University of Chalmers in Sweden have developed a novel insulation material that is up to three times less conductive with the intention of enhancing the characteristics and functionality of such cables.
Effective long-distance electricity transportation
Effective long-distance electricity transportation is crucial if we are to make the transition to a world powered by renewable energy sources, as the supply – renewable energy sources like wind and also solar farms, and also hydroelectric dams – is frequently located outside of cities, where the majority of the demand exists. The most effective way to move power over great distances is through high voltage direct current, or HVDC, cables. Many initiatives are currently under way to connect various regions of the world using HVDC cables with an insulation layer that can be buried beneath the surface or laid on the seabed. In Europe, the NordLink project aims to connect southern Norway and Germany, and the energiewende, Germany’s comprehensive strategy to transition to a more environmentally sustainable energy supply, heavily relies on HVDC cable projects.
Effective and secure HVDC cables are a critical component for us to address the fast rising worldwide demand for electricity. Since the supply of renewable energy is unpredictable, the ability to transport electricity over long distances is essential for ensuring a steady and dependable distribution, according to Christian Müller, the study’s principal investigator and a professor at Chalmers University of Technology’s Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.
There should be a minimum of energy loss during transportation as possible. Raising the direct current voltage level is one technique to decrease transmission losses like this.
However, a rise in the transmission voltage negatively impacts the insulation of an HVDC cable, according to Xiangdong Xu, a research specialist at Chalmers University of Technology’s Department of Electrical Engineering.
If the conductivity of electricity of the insulation material was sufficiently decreased, the consequent increased electric field stresses could be managed, he added.
The researchers now outline an innovative technique for lowering an insulating material’s conductivity.
A component that reduces the conductivity of the cables by three times
The novel substance is based on polyethylene, which is already utilized in HVDC cables for insulation. Now, the scientists were able to reduce the electrical conductivity by up to three times by including extremely small amounts—5 parts per million—of the conjugated polymer known as poly(3-hexylthiophene.
The additive, also known as P3HT, has been extensively explored and offers new opportunities for producers because only small quantities are needed. Nanoparticles of different metal oxides and other polyolefins are further potential compounds that have previously been utilized to lower conductivity, but these require substantially greater concentrations.
In materials science, we aim to employ additives in as tiny a quantity as possible to boost the possibility of their usage in industry and to improve the potential for recycling. The fact that this addition only needs to be used in very little amounts to provide the desired effect is a significant benefit, according to Christian Müller.
A finding that might open up a new field of study
Flexible and printed electronics have been created in the past using conjugated polymers, such as P3HT. However, this is the very first time they have been tried and tested as an additive to change an ordinary plastic’s characteristics. The scientists think that their finding may open up a wide range of recent applications and lines of inquiry.
Christian Müller’s hope for the work is to inspire other researchers to look into creating and improving plastics with enhanced electrical properties for energy transmission and storage applications.
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Reference: “Electrically driven optical isolation through phonon-mediated photonic Autler–Townes splitting” by Donggyu B. Sohn, Ogulcan E. Örsel and Gaurav Bahl, 21 October 2021, Nature Photonics.
DOI: 10.1038/s41566-021-00884-x
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