Nighttime Light Exposure Can raise your Type 2 Diabetes Risk by up to 67%

Nighttime Light Exposure Can raise your Type 2 Diabetes Risk by up to 67%

In a large study involving 85,000 participants, Flinders University researchers discovered that exposure to light at night increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, regardless of daytime activities.
New findings about the danger of late-night screen time. Credit: Depositphotos

In a large study involving 85,000 participants, Flinders University researchers discovered that exposure to light at night increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, regardless of daytime activities.

Exposure to light at night can disrupt circadian rhythms, altering insulin secretion and glucose metabolism,” stated Andrew Phillips, an associate professor from the College of Medicine and Public Health and senior author of the study. “These disruptions in circadian rhythms impact the body’s blood sugar regulation, potentially leading to type 2 diabetes.”

Using data from the UK Biobank, researchers assessed 84,790 participants who wore wrist light sensors for a week between 2013 and 2016 and followed up nine years later.

13 Million Hours of Light Data Reveal 67% Increased Diabetes Risk, Independent of Daytime Activities

With 13 million hours of light-sensor data collected, they found up to a 67% increased risk of developing diabetes, regardless of daytime behaviors. The risk also increased with the amount of time spent exposed to light.

The study supports the idea that light exposure, which disrupts or shifts central circadian rhythms into an “abnormal phase,” can alter insulin secretion and glucose metabolism.

For instance, disrupted circadian rhythms of melatonin or glucocorticoids can result in elevated levels during waking hours, reducing pancreatic insulin secretion and promoting hepatic glucose production during meal times,” the researchers noted.

Continuous circadian misalignment may lead to elevated postprandial glucose levels, initiating the development of type 2 diabetes by increasing adipocyte size and inflammation, promoting insulin resistance, and secreting inflammatory markers (e.g., interleukin-1β) that inhibit pancreatic beta-cell function.”

Limiting Light Exposure from 12:30 am to 6 am Recommended to Reduce Diabetes Risk, Despite Lifestyle Factors

Even after adjusting for lifestyle factors such as shift work and irregular sleep patterns, researchers identified significant health risks posed by light exposure between 12:30 am and 6 am.

They recommend limiting personal light exposure during these hours to maintain circadian rhythm alignment as a simple way to reduce diabetes risk.

Our results indicate a higher risk of diabetes associated with nighttime light exposure, with a dose-dependent relationship between light and risk,” said Andrew Phillips. “Reducing nighttime light exposure and maintaining darkness might be a simple and inexpensive strategy to prevent or delay diabetes development.”

Read the original article on: New Atlas

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