Search Results - hydrogen

“Hyper Burst” Nuclear Explosion Observed for the First Time in a Neutron Star

Credit: techzle. Astronomers believe they have discovered proof for an incredibly powerful nuclear explosion in space-- one so unique that seeing one like it again is extremely unlikely. The explosion appears to have occurred inside an unusual neutron star found 140,000 light-years from Earth called MAXI J0556-- 332. Neutron stars are the remnant cores of bigger...

Nuclear Fusion: How Thrilled Should We Be?

Fusion could create more energy than any other process that could be produced on Earth. Credit: Shutterstock There has been significant excitement about recent results from the Joint European Torus (JET) facility in the UK, suggesting that the dream of nuclear fusion power is inching closer to reality. We know that fusion works-- it is the...

Taking the First Steps Towards the Optimal Production of Biofuels

Partial density of states for 2,3-butanediol with accompanying partial charge density images; isosurface of 0.0075 electrons/Bohr3. The gray, red, brown, and pink spheres are Ru, O, C, and H atoms, respectively. Credit: DOI: 10.3389/fenrg.2021.781001 From Plants to Jet fuel A long-overlooked first step in producing sustainable aviation fuels will start with the ideal arrangement of molecular...

Riding a Laser to Mars

Laser-thermal propelled spacecraft in Earth orbit awaiting its departure. Credit: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License Could a laser send a spacecraft to Mars? That is a proposed mission from a group at McGill University, made to fulfill a solicitation from NASA. The laser, a 10-meter vast array in the world, would certainly heat up...

How Mars Lost its Oceans

Planet Mars illustration. Credit: NASA It has long been recognized that Mars once had oceans due, in part, to a protective magnetic field similar to Earth's. Nevertheless, the electromagnetic field disappeared, and a new research study may lastly be able to explain why. Scientists recreated conditions anticipated in the core of Mars billions of years...

Experiments on Parabolic Flight Test Oxygen-Evolving Electrolysis

Researchers have carried out experiments on a parabolic flight to examine the efficiency of oxygen-evolving electrolysis on the Moon and Mars. Researchers Bethany Lomax and Gunter Just conducting experiments on a parabolic flight. Credit: Manchester University The discovery from the Universities of Manchester and Glasgow is stated to supply beneficial insights into establishing human habitats far...

Mercury Earliest Atmosphere

Nasa/JHU/Carnegie Credit Mercury is a really peculiar planet. The tiniest in the solar system and the one nearest to the sun, it rotates slowly in a 3:2 spin resonance and experiences hot temperatures of up to 430 degrees Celsius during the day and cold temperatures of -170 degrees Celsius at night. Its average density is...

Instant Water Cleaning Technique ‘Countless Times’ Much Better than Business Technique

a water disinfectant made on the spot using only hydrogen and the ambient air Credit: Aleksandr Slobodianyk/ According to researchers from Cardiff University, a water disinfectant made on the spot using only hydrogen and the ambient air is thousands of times more efficient than conventional commercial techniques at eliminating viruses and bacteria. Announcing...

Electric Vehicles – The Reason Why Businesses Need Them

Electric Vehicles as Part of a Bigger Solution The race to change to a low-carbon economy is at full speed. Transport remains one of the primary sources of greenhouse gas pollution. Therefore, it is currently clear that electric vehicles have become a part of the solution to the problem. Some people, including those in business,...

Flying At Speeds of Mach 17 Could One Day Be Possible With This New Propulsion System

A conceptual hypersonic aircraft is pictured. Background image credit: NASA. Aircraft and composite image credit: Daniel Rosato, UCF. The UCF-developed propulsion system might allow for flight To reach speeds of Mach 6 to 17 (beyond 7,403 to 20,921 kilometers per hour) and have air and space travel applications. University of Central Florida scientists are improving their...