Search Results - Cell

New Gut Treatment Prevents Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

A novel treatment prevents and repairs hearing loss caused by noise exposureDepositphotos Researchers have developed a novel oral treatment to prevent and repair noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) by combining magnetic properties from traditional Chinese medicine with contemporary insights into the gut microbiome. NIHL can result from exposure to sudden, intense sounds like gunshots or continuous...

Robotic Faces Covered with Living Human Skin

Smile, new robotics technology is on its way!©2024 Takeuchi et al. CC-BY-ND In a groundbreaking and slightly unsettling development, scientists have created a technique to attach living human skin to robotic faces. Beyond its sci-fi implications, this technology has practical potential. Two years ago, Professor Shoji Takeuchi and his team at the University of Tokyo achieved...

Honeybees Can Detect Lung Cancer by Scent

Honeybees’ olfactory systems are so sensitive that scientists may one day be able to use the insects to detect the odors of cancer. Credit: Pixabay Honeybees can identify the faint scents of lung cancer in laboratory settings, including the slight aroma detectable in a patient's breath. Leveraging the bees' remarkable sense of smell, scientists connected living...

Scientists Discover Brain Vascular Changes Associated with Alzheimer’s Disease

Credit: Freepik The blood-brain barrier (BBB)—a network of blood vessels and tissues that protects the brain from harmful substances in the blood—is disrupted in Alzheimer's disease. Researchers at the Mayo Clinic and collaborators have now identified unique molecular signatures of BBB dysfunction, potentially leading to new diagnostic and treatment methods. Discovery and Analysis of Molecular Signatures "These...

Nighttime Light Exposure Can raise your Type 2 Diabetes Risk by up to 67%

New findings about the danger of late-night screen time. Credit: Depositphotos In a large study involving 85,000 participants, Flinders University researchers discovered that exposure to light at night increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, regardless of daytime activities. "Exposure to light at night can disrupt circadian rhythms, altering insulin secretion and glucose metabolism,"...

The Anti-Aging Compound Rejuvenates Youth Indicators Effectively

As we age, the protective caps at the end of our chromosomes called telomeres get shorter and shorterDepositphotos In pre-clinical studies, a small molecule successfully stimulated neuron regeneration, decreased inflammation, and enhanced memory, speed, coordination, grip strength, and other factors. These findings hold significant promise for aging and associated diseases. Researchers at the University of Texas...

Do Plants Have Surprising Intelligence? Cornell Discovers in Goldenrod

Credit: Pixabay Recent research reveals that goldenrod plants exhibit a form of intelligence by adjusting their responses to herbivores based on neighboring plants and environmental cues, challenging conventional notions of intelligence. Goldenrod can sense the presence of nearby plants without physical contact, using cues like far-red light ratios reflected from leaves. When grazed upon by herbivores,...

Study Reveals Why Some Don’t Get COVID Despite Infection

A UK-based study involved volunteers allowing scientists to deliberately infect them with SARS-CoV-2, aiming to understand why some individuals naturally avoid contracting COVID-19. This pioneering research could lead to improved vaccines and treatments. Previous studies have examined COVID-19's effects on patients, but none have tracked the disease from the initial entry of the virus to...

Study Suggests Hepatitis E Might Be Sexually Transmitted

Researchers have discovered that the hepatitis E virus (HEV) is associated with sperm in pigs, suggesting it may be sexually transmitted and linked to male infertility, according to a study in PLOS Pathogens. HEV, the leading cause of acute viral liver infection worldwide, is prevalent in pigs in the U.S. Though the virus is...

Can Eating a Beet Daily Prevent Heart Disease?

Credit: After menopause, women experience a significant increase in their risk of heart disease. To enhance heart and blood vessel health in postmenopausal women, Penn State researchers investigated the effects of beetroot juice on blood vessel function. According to findings published today (June 10) in Frontiers in Nutrition, daily consumption of beetroot juice by...