Search Results - chemistry

Creating Next-Generation Electronic Gadgets by Harnessing Terahertz Waves

Ruonan Han's research is driving up the rates of microelectronic circuits to allow brand-new applications in interactions, noticing, as well as safety. Han, an associate teacher who recently gained tenured in MIT's Division of Electrical Design and Computer technology, focuses on creating semiconductors that operate successfully at very high frequencies in an initiative to bridge...

New Photonic Chip for Isolating Light May Be Key to Miniaturizing Quantum Technology

Our electrical supply depends heavily on high-voltage direct current cables that can efficiently transfer electricity across great distances. Therefore, improving their performance is a significant challenge. Researchers from the Technology University of Chalmers in Sweden have developed a novel insulation material that is up to three times less conductive with the intention of enhancing...

The Natural Cycles in the Gulf of Alaska Accentuate Ocean Acidification

According to new study from the University of Alaska Fairbanks, changes in major wind and ocean circulation systems can briefly accelerate or reverse the rate of ocean acidification in the Gulf of Alaska. According to Claudine Hauri, a researcher at the UAF International Arctic Research Center, ocean acidification is typically viewed as a slow push...

Revolutionary Coating for Blood Vessels Minimizes Rejection of Transplanted Organs

Blood vessels in mouse kidneys were covered with a unique polymer, which aided in preventing the recipient mouse's body immune system from rejecting the new kidneys after a transplant. Credit: Dr. Erika Siren Scientists have recently found a route to decrease organ rejection after a transplant by utilizing a unique polymer to cover blood vessels...

Comprehensive Tracking Gives Timely Cautions of Volcano Rekindling

Volcanic monitoring types and methods employed. Credit: USGS Volcano Hazards Program Scientists must employ numerous tools to listen to and see activity inside a volcano in order to keep a watch on it. The USGS Volcano Hazards Program monitors volcanoes for signals of change that indicate volcanic reawakening. Surveillance must include several observations (earthquakes, ground...

The New Quantum Algorithm Surpasses the QPE Standard

Researchers boost their recently developed quantum algorithm, bringing it to one-tenth the computational price of Quantum Phase Estimation, and also utilize it to directly compute the vertical ionization energies of light atoms as well as molecules such as CO, O2, CN, F2, H2O, NH3 within 0.1 electron volts of accuracy. OSAKA, Japan. Quantum computers have...

The Research Team Discovers That it Takes Some Warmth to Form Ice on Graphene

In a paper released in Nature Communications, the research study team describes the complicated physical processes working to recognize the chemistry of ice formation. The molecular-level viewpoint of this process may assist in forecasting the formation and melting of ice, from singular crystals to glaciers and ice sheets. The latter is essential to measure...

Project Hail Mary Review: Andy Dam invokes a Brand-new Tale of Space Danger

Astronaut reaching for a light. Credit: Andy Buchanan / Alamy Clare Wilson, a medical reporter, says that she has been a fan of apocalyptic sci-fi since her teenage years. She was hooked by the 1950s classic The Day of the Triffids by UK author John Wyndham. Instead of discouraging her, the COVID-19 pandemic fed her...

Astronomers Seek Evidence of Tech Constructed by Aliens

An international group of scientists led by a renowned Harvard astronomer revealed a new initiative Monday to seek proof of technology built by extraterrestrial civilizations. Named the Galileo Job, it envisions producing a worldwide network of medium-sized telescopes, video cameras, and computers to examine unknown flying objects. So far, it was funded with $1.75 million...

Could Life Exist in the Atmosphere of a Sub-Neptune Planet?

Artist impression of the Galileo probe descending into Jupiter’s atmosphere. Credit: NASA/Ken Hodges Planet Earth is perfectly hospitable for organic life, which means that similar planets orbiting distant stars could also be booming with life. However, proving this is a challenge. One of the best ways to find extraterrestrial life will undoubtedly be to examine...